Chapter 45 - MTV Movie Awards

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Tessa's P.O.V:
"How are you so relaxed about this?" I ask Marshall as we both walk into the living room. Marshall drops down on the sofa as I turn on the tv and sit down next to him. 

"I don't know why your so worried. It's no like Leroy could do anything." Marshall shrugs as I take out a pizza slice from the pizza box thats in his lap.

"He my manager, Marshall. He can do anything he likes without asking me what I think." I say before I take a bite. 

Ugh, I love pizza. 

"What did Paul say?" I ask. 

"I told him that we saw paparazzi and they kept following us so we kissed infront of the cameras for show." He shrugs before he takes a bite of pizza. 

"Why didn't I think of that." I mumble. 

"Why, what did you tell Leroy?" He asks. 

"I told him that we were drunk." I say making him laugh as he leans foward to grab his coke can. "What?" I ask, my mouth full of food. 

"You really suck at lying." He says making me shrug as I stand up and place the pizza crust down in the pizza box. 

"I'm off to bed." I yawn and walk past him. 

"You had one slice. Sit back down." He says and holds onto my wrist. 

"I'm not hungry." I mumble and sit down on his lap. Lie, I'm actually starving but I have to watch my weight since the MTV movie awards are almost here. "I woke up at 5." I mumble. 

"We all did." He chuckles.

"Yeah well you and Nate fell asleep during the plane ride and also had a nap during the day. I'm tired." I say as I place my arms around his neck and lay my chin on his shoulder. 

My eyes slowly start to close within seconds. I feel Marshall wrap his arm around me slowly as I tighten mine around his neck. He slowly starts to get up and holds me tight against him. 

"I can walk." I tell him as he carries out me out the living room. 

"I don't mind." He says quietly and carries me up the stairs. I wrap my legs around him and hold him tight.

"Well what if Nathan see's?" My words come out as a slur due to me being so tired. 

"He's at his mom's." I hear Marshall say. He walks me towards my bedroom. 

Marshall holds me tight with one hand as he moves the duvet off my bed. He adjusts my pillow before he slowly place me down on my bed. 

"Thank you." I say quietly as he pulls the duvet over me and tucks me in. "Goodnight." I mumble as I place my hands on each side of his face.

"Night." Marshall mumbles before he places his lips on mine and kisses me 

Marshall moves back and fixes the duvet before he makes his way out of my room. I hear the door open and Marshall walks out before he quietly closes it behind himself. 


It had been three weeks since we signed our brand new contract and to my suprise, nothing had changed between me and Marshall. We didn't even tall about the new contract much. 

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