Chapter 19 - Quality Time With My Future Brother In Law

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Tessa's P.O.V:
Hailie points at her favorite cereal along with Alaina as I grab two bowls. I open the new box of cereal and fill the white bowls with to the top. I add milk and walk towards the kitchen island where Alaina and Hailie are sitting.

"Thanks." They both say in sync as they pick up their spoons.

"What time did your mom and grandma leave?" I ask as I take a seat across them and drink my warm lemon water, which doesn't tast too good but it's a tip from my fitness trainer.

"Uhm, mom tucked us into bed and grandma left after dinner." Hailie says.

"Oh. Is no one awake yet?" I ask referring to Nathan and Marshall. The girls had woken me up since they were.

"Nu-uh." Alaina shakes her head as she eats. "Uncle Nate left with his mom." Alaina says. "Are you going to come with aunty Kim and us today?" Alaina asks.

"Where are you girls going?" I smile.

"Shopping for a field trip." Hailie says. "We're going to the water park so we need swimsuits." She says cheerfully.

"Sounds fun." I say.

"So are you coming?" Alaina asks.

"I've got a lot of work to do." I make up a lie since Kim doesn't want me to be around her kids.

"You and daddy always be busy with work." Hailie mumbles.


I know Marshall loves his kids, he looks like the most happiest man on earth whenever he talks about his kids. It must be hard for him to have some time with his daughters since he's a rapper. He's missing out on them growing up.

My father was a workaholic. He would hardly ever be home. So I didn't really spend much time with my dad. I've got a few memories, they were the best days of my life. But family time was very rare with my family. It was just me and my brothers basically.

"Girls." Kim walks in. She looks at me and rolls her eyes before she looks at Hailie and Alaina again.

"Hey mom." Hailie says and pecks Kim on the cheek. I watch Alaina do the same before they both jump off the high stools and go to get changed out of their night clothes. I stand up from the counter and clear away the bowls.

"Where's Marshall?" Kim asks breaking the awkward silence.

"He's still in bed." I mumble.

"Are you and Marshall fighting?" She asks making me roll my eyes.

"Excuse me?" I sigh.

"The girls told me that you sleep in a seprate room." Kim smirks. I turn my back towards her and start to wash the dishes.

"Well I can assure we slept in the same bed last night." I say and bite on my bottom lip. Like Karla said, live a little.

"What?" Kim says annoyed. "He was angry at you last night for inviting me over for dinner." Kim adds. I place the bowls down and walk over towards the kitchen island.

"He didn't seem angry with me last night." I shrug and lean down on the counter. "In fact, he couldn't even keep his hands off me after the third round of sex." I say as a small smile spreads across my lips.

Kim lets out a groan and I watch her as she grabs her bag from the counter and starts to make her way out of the room. I laugh to myself as I put the cereal and milk away.

I grab my lemonade glass from the counter and start to wash it along with a few dishes that were laying around the kitchen. I look down at my stomach when I feel a pair of hands snake around me.

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