Chapter 22 - Aftermath Of The Party

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Tessa's P.O.V:
I've been up for hours now. I'm scared to face Marshall. Wait, why? I mean he's the one that kissed another girl. So why am I the one that's scared to face him?

But what if he doesn't even remember?

He was probably too drunk to remember anything. But then again he was kinda high and tipsy when we kissed so would he even remember that? I hope not.

Sighing, I climb out of bed and get into the shower. Once i'm done having a wash, I do my normal hygiene routine and get dressed into a pair of grey nike sweat shorts and a white tank top. I quickly do my make up and tie my hair in a messy bun before I see the aftermath of the damn party.

I unlock the door and slide it open slowly. The whole room was dirty and full of cups and empty alcohol bottles. The music was still playing but less louder then last night.

I'm suprised no one complained about the noise.

I walk towards the couch area and switch of the tv and turn of the music, making it completely silent. There were drugs on the table and alcohol spilled all over the floor.

Marshall lay on the floor with a girl laying ontop of the bottom half of his body and with girls on each side of him. There were one or two men on seprate couches with girls on top of them.


I decide not to wake them up and walk over to the kitchen area to make a cup of coffee. Once it's done, I pour it into a black mug and lean against the kitchen stove as I look around the room.

Then it hits me. What are all these people going to think about this whole engagement thing whilst i'm here? They're going to think i'm some kind of pushover if I don't say anything to them for making out with my fucking 'fiancé'.

I leave the coffee by the stove and quietly make my way towards the bedroom door. I need to get out of her before they wake up. I get changed into a pair of black Adidas leggings and a sports bra and cover up with a nike jacket.

I slip my feet into my nike shoes and grab my earphones and mp3 player, phone and my wallet before I walk out the bedroom area. I silently close the bedroom door behind me and make my way towards the hotels front door.

Damn it my ring.

I rush back into the room and look for the engagement ring. I probably tossed it on the floor in anger after last night so it must be here. After a few minutes I find the ring under the dressing table. I slide it down my finger and quickly rush out the room, banging the door a bit too hard.

My head snaps towards Marshall's direction when I hear him mumble something as the slut ontop of his leg moves around and raises her head. I stay frozen and watch her drop her head. Sighing in relief I quickly walk out.

I make my way down to the lobby and past the hotel staff. A man opens the door for me and tips his hat down as I mumble a thank you and walk out into the nice cold air.

The streets weren't that busy since it was only 7am so thank god for that because the last thing I need is the damn paparazzi. I wave at a taxi and watch as it stops infront of me.

"Good morning, miss." The man smiles as I climb in.

"Good morning." I smile as I look up at him through the review mirror to see a middle aged man smiling back at me.

"Where to?" He asks.

"To the nearest park please." I say as he makes a u-turn and starts to drive.

"You've got an accent." He states looking back at me through the mirror.

"So do you." I reply referring to his Indian accent. He laughs in response as he looks at the road ahead.
"So, where are you from?" He asks.

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