Finstocks Office- Lydia Martin

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Warning: Making out

How do I come to explain Lydia Martin. For starters I was absolutely infatuated with her, so was my best friend Stiles, and let's be real neither of us have a chance. We're both spastic, socially awkward, sarcastic nerds.
Stiles although thinks opposite he has such high hopes that he has a chance with Lydia even though she has almost no idea who we are other than the fact that we're friends with Scott and she has a boyfriend.
As I was walking towards the field to see the team play I ran into Stiles, literally. He grabbed my shoulders and started talking at an extremely fast pace.
"Whoa there slow down are you even speaking English" I asked the spastic boy.
"Ok your a girl right and Lydia is a girl and I was wondering if you would please please please ask her if she's attracted to me in anyway" he pleaded.
"Why me, why can't Scott do it, you know I can't even say hi to her with out stuttering like a complete dumbass" I said whining.
He waved his armed wildly "I already asked Scott plus she will probably be more open with you sense your a girl, just please do this for me"
I threw my head back and sighed "fine but you owe me so much"
I walked away and heard him say "I lo-I love you thank you" then he left to go find Scott.
I walked around the corner and saw her standing there. She looked absolutely gorgeous as always and I could already feel my heart rate speeding up and my palms starting to sweat. I took a deep breath and walked up to her.
I tapped on her shoulder and she looked over at me "um, c-can I uh talk to you for a second, a-alone" I said mentally cursing myself for stuttering.
Lydia looked over to the girl she was talking to then back at me and nodded "sure". I walked her over to Coaches office and shut the door behind us.
We stood there in silence for a few seconds till I found something to say "Is Allison still mad at Scott and me" I asked. Allison was mad at Scott for lying to her and at me because I wouldn't back her up.
"I think she got over it, I kind of understand why she was mad at Scott but she had no reason to be mad at you, I mean how could anyone be mad at you you're too cute" she said walking closer to me.
Did I hear that right or am I going crazy. Lydia Martin just called me cute. My cheeks went red and I looked down.
"Not as cute as you" I mumbled not thinking before I spoke. Once I realized what I said my entire face went red with embarrassment.
"I-uh-I mean-uh-"
"You think I'm cute" she interrupted me walking dangerously close. I nodded sheepishly. She smiled at me running her hand up my arm.
"Well I think you're more than cute, I think you're hot" she said. Then the most unexpected thing happened. Lydia Martin kissed me! I was in shock but I found myself kissing back.
She put her hands around my neck and I grabbed onto her hips. She tangled her hands in my hair as I pulled her closer to me, our chests touching. I don't know what came over me as I'm usually extremely shy around her. I lowered my hands and grabbed onto her thighs lifting her up to sit on the desk that was in the room. I felt her smirk into the kiss as I ran my hands up and down her thighs. She grabbed my hips pulling me to her. Then she started kissing down my neck. I grabbed onto her waist tightly as she sucked on my neck surely leaving a mark, but it was towards the back so I could cover it wth my hair.
As I was about to take her jacket off I heard Finstocks whistle go off signaling the game was about to start. We pulled away breathless my lips were swollen and so were hers.
"We will finish this some other time" she smiled then she kissed my cheek and walked out. I fixed my messy hair and walked out onto the bleachers.
Stiles instantly came up to me and guilt washed over me like a tidal wave. "So what did she say, does she like me" he asked.
"Um she didn't say she ignored the question, sorry" I lied. He sighed and nodded "it's fine, maybe she was too shy to say" he said calmly. I nodded and went to take a seat next to Allison. She looked over at me and laughed. "What" I asked.
She giggled "your lipstick is smudged" she said. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, I didn't wear lipstick today,oh. I quickly wiped my lips on my sleeve, Lydia's lipstick must have smudged off on my lips. We watched the team play, everything seemed to be going ok until Scott ran into Danny at full speed making his nose bleed.
Everyone ran to see if Danny was ok when Jackson spoke up to Lydia "Your lipstick is smudged" he said pointing to her lips.
"Huh wonder how that happened" she said looking over at me. Jackson seemed completely clueless while Stiles instantly caught on. I looked over at him with an apologetic look on my face as he walked away.
"Stiles please I'm sorry I don't know what happened one moment we were talking and the next we were kissing on Finstocks desk I'm really sorry" I said to him.
"I-I just- I mean I guess it's fine, I mean who wouldn't kiss her but I'm just I little hurt you didn't take my feelings in for consideration" he said sighing.
"I know I'm sorry and I understand if you're mad at me" I looked down.
He walked up to me and hugged me "ah, I can't stay mad at you" he said messing my hair up.
"Yea that's what Lydia said"
" how was she" he asked me
I gasped and shoved him off "that's none of your business" he gave me look
"....ok she was amazing" I smirked

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