Mute pt.2- Liam Dunbar

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"Great movie right Y/N?" Stiles asked as the credits appeared on the screen. When Y/N didn't answer his question, he looked down to find her asleep. She was cuddled up next to him, snoring a little, looking very peaceful. Stiles being the good brother he is, carefully made his way off the couch. He grabbed a pillow and placed it under her head and pulled the blanket up to her chin. He then turned off the TV and smiled at his little sister before turning around to leave the livingroom.
"It's nice having her home" Stiles jumped at his fathers' voice.
"Yeah it is" He answered his dad who were watching the two siblings from the doorway.
"Go get some sleep." The sheriff said and nodded towards the stairs. Stiles sent his father a smile before saying Goodnight and walking upstairs.
The next day Y/N found herself in their garden, sitting on the old swing that her dad had put up when she and Stiles were kids. She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice Stiles sitting down next to her on the other swing.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked, which caused her to jump a little.
"I'm sorry" Stiles apologized quickly. Y/N shook her head.
"It's okay" she signed. She was quiet for a while. "Just thinking about that night" To be honest, she couldn't remember much. It was like a part of her memory was missing and she had no idea how to get it back.
"You want to talk about it?" Her brother asked. She shook her head again.
"It's okay. I'll be here when you're ready" He told her before getting of the swing, leaving her alone with her toughts.
Y/N spent the weekend mostly by herself, when she wasn't reading she was either asleep or just looking out the window. She seemed to have a lot on her mind, which did not go unnoticed by her family. The sheriff figured it must be hard being home again, so he let her be. Stiles wasn't too happy about it, he had hoped that she would become more like herself after being away for so long. But is seemed as if she was going back to the same habits as before. He could not let that happen again.
"You sure you're not coming to school?" He asked her while he was making breakfast. "Everyone will be there, Scott and Lydia...It will be like old times" He tried and immediately realized his mistake.
"I don't want to go there" she signed. "Not without her" she bit her lip and Stiles knew he had gone to far. Tears were forming in her eyes and she ran upstairs, ignoring his calls. Good job Stiles, he tought to himself and facepalmed.
"Don't tell me you said that, you idiot!" Lydia groaned as they were sitting outside, eating lunch with the rest of the pack.
"I wasn't thinking and it just slipped out" He admitted which caused Scott to shake his head.
"You really messed up dude" he said.
"I know" Stiles groaned. "I'm such a bad brother" He buried his face onto the table and sighed.
"Hi guys" Liam said as he walked up to their table. "Sorry I'm late. What are you guys talking about?" He took a seat next to Lydia.
"We were just discussing Stiles and how good of a brother he his" she replied, sarcasm clear in her voice while she rolled her eyes.
"It was a mistake okay!" Stiles mumbled, his head still resting on the table.
"Brother?" Liam asked. He hadn't been with he pack for that long and he had never heard any of them talking about Stiles having a sibling. Not that they had the time to talk that much about other things except for the supernatural.
"He has a sister, Y/N" Scott told his beta. "She's been away for a while, but now she's back in town." Liam furrowed his eyebrows.
"How come I've never heard about this before?" He questioned.
"I guess it was never a good time to bring it up" Stiles said just as the bell rang.
"I'm home!" Stiles called as he walked inside. Noone answered. He dropped his bag to the floor and walked into the kitchen, finding a note from his father on the table. "Got called into the station. Coming home late" it said. Stiles left it and walked upstairs to find Y/N. He entered her room only to find it empty. He began to panic and searched the rest of the house but she was gone.
"Hi Amelia" Y/N signed while she placed the flowers down in front of the gravestone. Red roses had always been her bestfriend's favorite. "It's me, Y/N" she sat down on the grass.
"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for doing this to you." She paused and looked up at the darkening sky. "It's my fault that you're not here. If I hadn't been so stubborn to go to that concert you wouldn't be gone. You would still be here with me." She felt hot tears running down her cheeks, and she wiped them away.
"It's all my fault" Y/N buried her head in her hands and sobbed. She sobbed until she had no more tears left and laid down, wrapping her arms around her knees.
"Dad I can't find her anywhere!" Stiles told his dad over the phone, his voice filled with worry. It was already dark outside and he had been looking all over town for her for the last hour. He was driving towards the graveyard, one of the few places he had't searched yet.
"Calm down son. We're going to find her. I'm sending some men out right now" He said as Stiles stopped the jeep and jumped out, spriniting over the grass. He made his way to around the graves, his eyes looking everywhere for her. He finally saw her, she was lying down in front of Amelia's grave.
"Dad I found her! She's at the graveyard!" Stiles ran up to her and pulled her into his arms, waking her up in the process. Her cheeks were stained with tears and she looked up at him groggily.
"Stiles?" she signed, not understanding where they were.
"I was so worried, don't ever run away like that again" He pleaded and hugged her closely.
"I just had to talk to her"

Teen Wolf ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora