Silent Treatment- Stiles Stilinski

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You couldn't believe Stiles really saw nothing wrong with his actions.
It was bad enough that he had cancelled on you countless times in the over the summer. He had stuff going on in the Supernatural world, so you understood and forgave.
But last night, AKA your One Year Anniversary, he sent you a text, a fucking text, that he wasn't gonna make it to dinner. And why, what was so important that he missed such an important date? Was it life and death? Was someone being kidnapped or held hostage? No.
From Sexy Stiles: Lydia had a cold.
You read that right, she had a fucking cold, and that's why the meal you spent a day and a half cooking went from a candle lit table to the fridge in tupperware.
You didn't reply to that text, or any of the other texts, calls and voice mails after that one. You hadn't spoken to him since.
You were currently in your room head phones blasting some empowering Beyonce, letting you know you deserved better while you studied for your SAT. Just as a song ended your mom came in.
'You have a friend over, it's Scott.' she said.
'Send him up.' you said.
A minute later in guessed it. Stiles.
'I uh gave your mom twenty bucks to tell you wasn't me.' Stiles said awkwardly.
'I've been trying to get to you all week but you wont reply to anything. Gonna tell me why?' he asked.
You didn't reply and continued working.
'(Y/N) please talk to me, why are you so upset I missed one date and you stopped talking to me completely.
One date! It was our anniversary you dick! you thought as you continued to ignore him.
'(Y/N) you're being ridiculous.' Stiles groaned.
At that you threw off your headphones stood up with enough force to knock the chair down. The sudden noise making Stiles jump.
You yanked the calendar off the wall and threw it at Stiles' face before storming down the stairs.
You grabbed your jacket and stormed down the sidewalk, all the while grumbling about how you couldn't believe you had wasted a whole year on a idiot.
about two minutes later you hear the sound of someone running up behind you.
'Oh my God oh my God oh my God! I am SO sorry!' Stiles yelled as he finally caught you by the shoulders.
You glared daggers as he caught his breath.
'I am so sorry, I am such a jack ass!'
Still you only glared.
'I forgot, and oh my God over a fucking cold!' Stiles rambled.
'I am so sorry, I will make it up to you I promise, I will make it up a thousand times over. Just please talk to me.' Stiles begged.
You looked him for a long few seconds before sighing.
'It took over a day to prepare that pot roast, and I spent my whole check on the dress I was wearing and your gift. Then you sent that text.' you said.
Stiles pulled you into his arms and squeezed you tight.
'I know, and I bet it was all great, I'm a idiot for missing it.' you said.
'You are, and you owe me.' you said as you wrapped your arms around you.
'I will make you the best dinner and buy you the best dress and gift.' he promised as he kissed your head.
'You better.'

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