Kidnapped- Isaac Lahey

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Blog dedicated to Teen wolf and other tv shows! Hope you enjoy my imagines :)

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Kidnapped (Isaac Lahey Imagine)

Gif not mine!
Request: Since you barely even have and Isaac imagine and was wondering if you could do one where the reader is very shy and cute, one day the reader and Isaac gets kidnapped and the kidnapper wants info on the pack but he won't talk so they beat the reader in front of him (no broken bones please cause I hate that) and it hurts him because he loves her and you can go from there cause I don't know what else should happen, please. Thank you!!!
A/n: thank you for requesting this, hope you like it!!
Also i wanted to say that REQUEST ARE CLOSED FOR NOW! and that everyone that requested a song fic will be getting it this week or next week!
We were just having a really nice time, enjoying eachother company when this asshole had to ruin everything.
I was with Isaac walking around Beacon Hills like we always do, just enjoying eachother presence. It wasn't often that i hang out with Isaac. There's always something going on im Beacon Hills and we have to play superhero and go safe the day. Well we actually do safe the day in the end. So tonight was one of those night that i can actually be with Isaac alone.
"Finally we have a day for ourselves." I said and i grabbed his hand. Me and Isaac have been dating for a while now. I never thought he was going to be my boyfriend because i thought, just like anyone else, that he had feelings for Allison. But guess inwas wrong.
"I know right, after our walk we'll go home and have some alone time." He whispers in my ear and then he started kissing along my neck. I giggle and nudge him a bit.
"What if i don't want to?" I asked playfully.
"Oh you will want to." He exclaimed and winked at me. I laughed at the way he's acting right now. The goofy and sweet boy i fell inlove with.
"Lets go home then." I suggest and he nodded his head. So we turned around and made our way home.
After god knows how long of walking, I heard a twig snap behind uss. I looked behind me, but there was nobody to be seen.
"Did you hear that?" I whisper to Isaac as i stopped to look around one more time. It feels as if there's someone with us, watching us every move ready to attack.
"Yeah, i did. Lets go home." Isaac said and we started walking way faster, getting away from whatever is there with us.
"What if someone wants to attack us or something?" I asked him getting quite paranoid. I looked behind me but i still can't anyone.
"You have me, i'll keep you safe." He reassured me and i nodded my head. Were almost at my house, so it's going to be okay, everything is going to be okay.
Suddenly i heard Isaac scream and told me to run. I turned around to look at him and he was on the floor clutching his stomach and i just realised he's been shot, probably with something to make him weak, maybe wolfsbane. Before i could run i felt a hand infront of my mouth. Muffled screams left my mouth as i tried to get out of this person grip. A needle was injected into my neck. My sight got blurry and my eyelids got heavy. The only thing I could whisper was "Isaac", before I closed my eyes.
I groaned from the pain inside my head, it felt like somebody hit me with a basebal bat. I tried to get up but my arms and legs were tied up and I was strapped to the chair, not even able to move a little. Isaac. Where is he. I looked around but it was dark so it was kind of hard to see.
I hear someone groan and i knew it was Isaac. "Isaac?" I whispered loudly, hoping he'll hear me.
"Y/n? W-where are you?" He asked and from where his voice is coming from I assume he's sitting infront of me.
"I'm here, are you okay?" I asked him and tried to free my arms and legs but it was impossible, i was tied to this chair really tightly.
"I'm fine, little pain but it'll pass." He says and i could feel him struggling too. He has werewolf powers so he can easily break free.
"Can you get out?" I asked him. He didn't answer me because he was trying to get out but by the looks of it, we're basically stuck here. All of the sudden the door opened and there was a woman standing there. The lights suddenly turned on and when i looked at the door again i was shocked. It was Kate Argent.
How is that even possible they killed her, they literally clawed her neck and i saw her die. I looked at her confused and she had a smirk on her face, clearly enjoying this.
"We meet again, y/n." She said and walked over me. I kept my gaze on her, feeling really confused. Trying to understand everything.
"B-but you-you're dead?" I stutter and she came the same eye level as me.
"Well cleary i'm not. I'm alive and i have this." She smirks as she showed her claws. Did she turn into a werewolf or something.
"And you mister, i have heard a lot of things about you Isaac." She exclaimed as she turned around to look at Isaac. Meanwhile she was talking to him, i tried getting my hands out of this rope but it was impossible.
"You're not getting out y/n." She suddenly said and i froze, stopping my movement.
"Now, if you guys want to go home just answer one thing for me." She announced and went to stand in the middle.
"We're not telling you anything." Isaac growled and flashed his eyes a gold yellow color. Kate chuckled slightly before walking towards the table and grabbed something.
"See this?" She asked as she showed us a tiny bottle with some stuff in it. "This is wolfsbane, if you don't answer me i'll use this on you Isaac and you can die." She explained further and i could see that she's enjoying this. That cold hearted bitch.
"You little bit-"
"No, no. I can kill you Isaac." She cutted Isaac off and i heard him sigh in defeat.
"Or i can hurt little precious y/n." She hints and made her way towards me. She waved her claws in front of me before digging them in my thighs.
"Fuuck!" I screamed and tried getting her off but no use. Isaac started yelling and trashing around. I looked at Kate through my tears and she was smiling.
"Stop! Hurt me but not her!" Isaac hissed and Kate shook her head.
"I want information, only way to get it is to hurt little y/n here, sit tight and enjoy the show Lahey." She winks and grabbed the wolfsbane and left the room.
I tried removing my hands again but it didn't work. This is too tight. I looked over at Isaac and he was doing the same thing, trying to escape.
"Let her do what she wants okay." I told Isaac and he shook his head.
"No! I won't let her hurt you, i'm here to protect you and keep you safe, so no!"
"I'm not asking you permission, let her do what she needs to do but don't tell her anything, please." I pleaded and could feel tears trying to spring out of my life.
"Y/n i-"
"Let her, i'll be fine so just please." I pleaded and gave him the puppy eyes. I heard him mumble a yeah and then the bitch came in.
"Now two questions and you're free to go. First, where's Scott Mccall?" She asked and i looked up at her with hatred in my eyes. I stayed quiet and so did Isaac. We're not telling her anything.
"Do i need to repeat myself? Where the hell is Scott Mccall?" She asked louder and made her way towards me. She grabbed my neck and digged her claws in my skin. I screamed at the pain. Shit it hurts alot.
"I'm not telling you anything." I spat at her and she grabbed my chin and forced me to look at her.
"Oh you will." She said through gritted teeth. She made her way towards the table and grabbed something but i couldn't actually see what it was.
"Now Isaac, tell me where Scott Mccall is." She asked and Isaac growled at her.
"I'm not telling you, you bitch." Isaac growled. Kate chuckled at his answer and before we could say something. Then i felt something painful at my back. I looked at her and she had a whip in her hands which she just hit me with on my back. Tears were forming in my eyes.
"Stop!" Isaac yelled and started squirming around, trying to get out.
"That hurts like a bitch doesn't it?" She laughed as she played with the whip to taunt us even more.
"Now fucking tell me. Where the hell is Scott Mccall!" She asked and looked at the both of us.
"Guess you should try harder, Kate. We won't tell you where Scott is." I stated and looked over at Isaac to see how he's holding up. I gave him a sad smile which he returned. I hope Scott will find us.
"You two leave me no choice." She mumbles and she grabbed two handcuffed which looked extremely weird. These cuffs had wires and she made her way towards me with those cuffs and then she putted them on my arm.
"What the hell is this?" I asked and tried to free my hand but now it's impossible.
"I hate repeating my self over and over again. So this will be more painful than a whip. You two better answer my god damn question. Where the fuck is Scott Mccall." She questioned and both me and Isaac stayed quiet.
"Last time we saw him was at school. Now let us go." Isaac demanded and i could see Kate smirking.
"Liar." She whispers into Isaac's ear and i could see him panicking. Kate grabbed a remote which looked a power button for this cuffs.
"Didn't say i didn't warn ya." She laughed and turned the remote on which sends electricity through me.
"Fuuck." I yelled as i trashed around, feeling painful by the second. "Stop please."
"Don't fucking hurt her, please! Hurt me instead." Isaac pleaded, he couldn't bare watch his love of his life getting hurt.
"This is the best kind of torture there is. You see i'm hurting the person you love which is also hurting you in the process. So it's a win win situation here." Kate exclaimed and stopped the electricity to go through me.
I whimper in pain as i could feel tears falling down my face. There's nothing worse than this right now. This might be one of the worst thing ever.
"Answer the question." She sighed because so far none of us said anything yet. And i could tell she was already annoyed.
"I-i'm not telling yo-you w-where he is." I stutter, my head and my whole body hurts, i want to be over with this. Kate shook her head before turning the thing back on which sended electricity jolting into my body. I screamed so loudly that the whole town could hear me.
"I don't want to kill you, y/n. But if you two don't answer my question, you're going to die darling." Kate smirked and turned the thing on again. I could feel my body getting weak by the minute. I don't even know if i'm screaming or not.
"Stop stop! Fine i'll tell you where he is." Isaac said in a defeated voice. Did i hear right? Is Isaac really going to tell her where Scott is? Kate stopped the electricity to go through me and i took a shaky breath.
"He's at the animal clinic. Now let us go!" Isaac demanded and Kate was grinning like a 5 year old.
"One last question, what's his plan?" She asked and Isaac looked over at me with a worried look. Isaac's never the one to betray Scott like this. But i think he can't watch the love of his life get torture like this.
"He's looking for you but that's all i know, i swear." He answered.
"Now was that too hard?" She teased and made her way towards Isaac ready to untie him. "If you hurt me, i'll kill you and i'll kill her." She threatened and Isaac nodded his head. She took the rope from him and she took the cuffs off of me.
Isaac quickly got up and made his way towards me. He gave me a sad smile before taking me in his arm, bridal style.
"This is was fun, you can leave." Kate pointed out at the door and Isaac walked with me to the door.
Once outside I could see that we were in the woods, probably deep. I have never seen this part. Isaac put me down next to a tree and he slid down right next to me.
"Are you okay?" He asked as he played with my hair.
"Tired but i'm okay. And you?" I asked and I looked up at him. I could see tears streaming down his face which i quickly sit up right, so i can focus more on him.
"What's wrong?" I asked him and wiped his tears away.
"She hurted you and i failed Scott. I failed the both of you." He sobbed and i hugged him. Isaac didn't fail none of us.
"Babe, you didn't fail me or Scott. You had to tell her or else she would've killed us. And Scott would understand, he'll know why you told her where he is. It's okay Isaac." I assured him and kissed his cheek lightly.
"B-but i didn't protect y-you?" He stutters and looked at me with tears in his eyes. Seeing Isaac cry, makes my heart breaks into million of pieces.
"You did. You did everything you could to keep me safe. And i'm grateful for that. I love you so much." I exclaimed and i wiped his eyes.
"I love you too. Now lets go home." He said and pulled me up. It was a long day and i just want to go home and sleep. And ofcourse we're going to warn Scott about Kate. So we could be prepared and fight that son of a bitch.

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