Into You- Young Derek Hale; part 2

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Y/n's P.O.V
"Y/n, wake up-" A familiar voice began before they let out a low curse, "Oh my God, Scott's going to kill me- Y/n please wake up."
Your eyes instantly shot open before you sat up, "Kate." You muttered, grasping the arm which was held out towards you, but once you stood upright you felt the sudden throbs and pulses in your skull causing a groan to escape from you.
"Woah, Y/n- stay still," A hand then flew down towards your waist to keep you steady.
Your brows furrowed as your eyes met brown orbs, "Stiles? What happened and why the hell does it feel like someone's drilling holes in my head?"
"Derek left with Kate," Stiles paused before running his fingers through his hair frustratingly. "And I'm guessing either one of them was the reason why i found you knocked out cold on the floor with a purple bruise across your forehead."
"It was Kate, Derek wouldn't do anything like that."
Stiles let out a scoff as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Are you sure we're talking about the same Derek because that same person threatened to rip my throat out with his own teeth and don't even get me started on Ka-"
"Stiles!" You called out whilst grasping his shoulders, "Calm down, please."
You watched his shoulders slump forward before he pressed his lips towards your forehead, "I-I shouldn't have left you alone with him. You're like my little sister Y/n, and if anything worse happened to you I would never forgive myself," He then chuckled, "- and I know for sure that Scott would have my head on a spike."
Stiles then headed towards the door before turning back to you with a soft smile playing on his lips, "Come on Y/n, Scott wants us at school."

Once you reach the school grounds, you felt the cold nipping at your cheeks whilst the evening breeze kissed along the surface of your skin causing a trail of goose bumps to appear on your arms, but what you seemed to focus on was the fact that your brother and your friends were in danger.
"So, any ideas where they might be Y/n?"
As you turned towards Stiles, your eyes immediately raked down towards the object he held in his hands, "Are you seriously going to defend yourself with a baseball bat?"
He shrugged, "Wouldn't be the first time."
Your pulse came to a halt as a ferocious growl invaded your ears before your gaze fell upon a familiar body being flung against a wall and to only recognise it to be your brother.
You quickly turned to stiles whilst holding your hand out, "Give me the bat."
He blinked, "What?"
"I said, give me the bat stiles."
But once you got no reply, you grabbed the baseball bat out of his hands before you could hear any form of protest to leave his mouth. And with that, you ran up the stairs to see Kira being thrown to the ground by a tall, inhumane creature.
You froze, as the two creature's covered in skins and bones of bears made their way towards you in menacing strides so quick you couldn't even register the fact that a rough hand was wrapped around your neck, tightening every time you struggled against its grip almost like a python around its prey; and you were the catch.
The sound of your brother's screams soon began to fade as you sensed yourself beginning to lose conscious and you instantly ceased from prying the monstrous hands off your neck. But before the black dots invading your sight completely, you noticed a familiar figure making his way towards you in a fleeting manner.
"Derek," You gasped out, which only made his head turn swiftly towards you, before he struck one of the unfamiliar looking beast in the chest with his fist causing it to stagger back slightly.
And just on cue, Malia swiped her claws at the one that groped your neck whilst Kira raised her leg and thrusted it towards its side, causing the hand to uncurl from you.
"Y/n, I got you," Stiles muttered, as he swung your arm around his shoulders, steadying you, but you only shook your head as your other hand rubbed your throat almost trying to desperately catch your breath.
Your brows then furrowed in confusion as you watched the two creatures suddenly flee the scene, it was almost as if they soon grew terrified of Derek and you wondered why.
"Derek?" You called out completely ignoring the searing pain in your throat as you took a step closer towards him, who had his back turned towards you. You noticed how his shoulders were hunched as they rose heavily, whilst he unrolled his fingers from his clenched fists.
And once he finally spun towards you, you froze. You felt as if your eyes were playing tricks with you as you tried to register the impossible.
Derek Hale was back to his old self.
He then closed the gap between the both of you in quick strides, "Y/n," Derek breathed as he met your gaze squarely.
But before you could utter a reply, he placed both of his hands on the side of your cheeks before planting his lips onto yours.

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