I thought you were a myth pt.4- Derek Hale

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Scott's words weighed heavy on your heart, despite the small smile on your face. Looking around the room, you could see the impact Allison had had on each person there, whether they had known her or just heard about her. She left a mark. And you could only hope that someday, given the position you had been handed, that you could live up to even an ounce of what you felt in the room for the former packmate.
Looking down to the floor and clearing your throat, giving your head a little shake with a rueful smile, you turned your back fully to Derek so you could face Scott, and you felt his eyes boring into the large tattoo down your spine. "So, Scott. You ready to have your ass kicked?"
His red eyes flickered, and a smirk crawled up his face. You were thankful for his quick shift in demeanor, for the pack as a whole, really. Moving on to the task at hand instead of dwelling in what had been. And Scott seemed thankful for it as well. "My ass kicked? I thought I was just fighting you?"
A round of 'oh's and snickers went around the group of teenagers, and you even heard Derek let out a chuckle, and it made you smile broadly. "Oh, tough guy, huh? I see. No wonder everyone I came across from Beacon Hills the last few years act like they are lucky to be alive."
"Sounds like you don't keep too savory of company, then," Peter said in a seemingly innocent tone, but dripped with venom underneath.
You glanced over your shoulder at him, a quick flash of your eyes before giving a shrug. "When you're as rare as I am, honey, staying alive is a day to day thing. Some people owed me favors. And obviously most of them were liars, since I see Scott is not, infact, ten feet tall with claws to match, and eats a live deer like it's a potato chip." You looked back to Scott. "At least, I'm guessing you don't do the deer thing, right?"
"That's what people say about me?" Scott asked, almost laughing.
"When the words 'True Alpha' come up, people don't know what to think. Most have never seen one. They make us into camp fire stories to scare baby wolves."
"It's true," Derek said. "I never would have believed it, had I not known you before. I thought it was a myth."
"Come on! Less talking, more fighting!" Stiles cried suddenly, breaking the more serious turn the conversation had taken.
"Right! I'm supposed to be kicking Scott's ass...."
"Ha-ha," Scott laughed almost sarcastically, "it's the other way around, remember?"
This time you heard Derek snort. Whether it was for Scott or yourself, you weren't sure. Both of you made your way to the mats, taking a stance across from one another.
"No fangs, no claws, remember?"
"No fangs, no claws, got it." Scott nodded once decisively.
"Now remember," the two of you began circling one another, walking casually. "I'm still new to this Alpha, much less True Alpha, thing, so I may be a lot stronger than I think I am. I mean, just ask Stiles. How's that hand, buddy?" You smirked.
"Yeah, she's strong," Stiles said quietly, haltingly, as he scratched the back of his head.
"Ah, but you've been a wolf longer than I have, so you have an advantage there," Scott countered calmly.
You nodded with an approving smile. "Good observation, Scott. You may just stand a chance yet."
Scott narrowed his eyes at you, their red color coming and staying as he stared you down, a lopsided grin turning up his face as he spoke. "Now, what's that saying? What do they say.... 'Pride comes before a fall'?" He charged you on the last word, and you felt your eyes flare and stay, a snarl leaving your chest as you side stepped him, holding out a single arm to your side, catching his chest, and causing him to slam down onto his back with a growl.
You looked down at him smiling, eyes brilliant red. "Yes. Yes, they do." You held out a hand to help him up, and he took it, rising to his feet quickly, tugging you harder than necessary, making you stumble forward. Using the pillar just beside the mats in the middle of the loft as a springboard, you practically walked up several strides before doing a backflip and landing behind Scott. He whipped around to face you, and you smirked. "Come on, Scotty. Think on your feet-"
Suddenly you were staring up at the ceiling of the loft, your back to the mat with the wind knocked out of you. Scott wore his own smirk as he looked down at you. "I will if you will stay on yours."
Swinging your feet into the air and rocking yourself forward, you landed upright, feeling a low growl leave your chest. "Touché."
Both of you were breathing hard, circling the mats seemingly endlessly, until Scott charged you again. Dodging, you quickly turned to face him, dodging a few more blows, rolling out of the way several times, until you heard Peter call, "Stand and fight, Goddammit! Stop rolling around like-"
Sweeping your leg, you downed Scott and stood with your foot firmly on his chest, both of you heaving for breaths. Looking down, you saw Scott's hands laying palms up beside his face in surrender, both of you letting your eyes fade before you looked up to Peter. "Okay."
He narrowed his eyebrows at you, and you couldn't contain your smirk.
"Is this good enough for you?"
Peter scoffed and shook his head as you helped Scott up, patting him on the back as you caught your breath, giving him a nod and a small, "Good fight" before turning back to Peter with your head held high. "Do you believe me now? Or would you like me to kick your ass, as well, all to prove how I got the color of my eyes? Is it just so hard to believe someone wouldn't steal it? Or that there are two of us at the same time? Or do you just still have a problem with me?"
When Peter didn't answer, you rolled your eyes before turning back to the pack. "The night is still young. Anyone know how to play poker?"
The girls had all taken over the upper room to sleep in, and the guys shared the living room.
Everyone else had fallen asleep, and you were nearly there yourself, when you heard the bedroom door squeak open softly. In your state of near sleep, you reverted to old habits, and simply waited for whoever or whatever it was to get close enough before you reached up and punched.
A sickening crunch and a muffled but familiar "Ow!" through a pair of hands made your eyes shoot open, your own hands coming over your mouth in shock.
"Oh my God! Derek, I am so sorry! I was half asleep and-" the crunch of resetting bone made you shudder.
Glancing around the room, listening to all the heartbeats, all the girls were still fast asleep, so when Derek gestured you down the stairs, a low groan of pain finally passing his lips, you followed behind him, closing the door softly.
"Balcony," he said quietly, pointing outside, and you glanced into the living room on your way to the door leading outside, stifling a laugh at the limp, snoring bodies of your new pack.
Once outside, you wrapped your arms around Derek's chest, squeezing tightly, and turning your face so your cheek rested on his peck. "Oh my God! I am so sorry! It's an old habit! I was half asleep! I- Oh my God. I broke your nose." Your voice became quiet at the end, realization dawning on you, and you felt Derek's rumbling laugh beneath your ear, the sound vibrating around inside him like a bird trying to break out of a cage.
"It's okay. I get it. You have had one hell of a day." He spun you around so your back was against his chest, and the two of you did that silly, stilted walk that couples do in the movies to the edge of the balcony, almost like an awkward three legged race, stepping in tandem as he held you close to him.
Looking up, you saw the sky was clear, giving you a magnificent view of the stars and the nearly full moon. It was nice to be able to look up and not worry about using the stars for directions, finding your way out of whatever forest your were running in.
Sighing, you let your body relax into Derek's, feeling his warm breath against that same spot on your neck, that pulse point he knew so well, nuzzling his nose into the spot.
"Remember all those times as kids we would meet in the woods and just lay on the ground doing this?"
"We didn't quite do this," Derek mumbled against your skin, and you could feel the smile playing at his lips. "We actually looked up at the sky."
You reached up and smacked the back of his head softly, chuckling, before carding your fingers through his hair. "That's what I'm doing, dummy. I don't know about you. What are you doing anyway?"
"Making up for lost time."
His voice was wistful, full of nostalgia, and yet sad in a way. That shouldn't make sense, and yet it did. You yourself longed for the days when things were easy, as simple as sneaking around, and thinking about them brought a smile to your face. But at the same time, a sinking feeling would settle in your gut, knowing those times were over and gone, and you may never see Derek Hale again.
Placing your arm over one of his around your waist, running down until you knit your fingers through his and squeezed, you swallowed, simply nodding gently, letting him know you understood.
His chin rested on your shoulder now, his voice dangerously close to your ear, making you want to close your eyes, but you kept them open. You wanted to know that for the first time in years, this wasn't a dream.
"Do you know how many times I looked up at that moon, the only thing keeping me sane, helping me not shift was knowing you were under it?" You felt his head tilt up, and you followed suit, glancing over to his face briefly before looking at the moon yourself. "Funny. The one thing that was supposed to make me go out of my mind kept me sane."
"Okay, now I'm confused. Are you talking about the moon or me?" You glanced at him again, a small smile playing at your lips at the incredulous look he gave you.
Turning his face toward you, you matched his movements, smiling when he tucked his face into that spot on your neck, looking at you through his eyelashes.
"What?" You laughed, fingers still absently in his hair.
"I just really missed you is all. I miss who I was when you were around. I miss what we were, what we had." He kissed that spot gently before resting his chin once again on your shoulder.
You nodded gently in understanding, staring into his eyes
"I missed us, too."

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