Kidnapped- Void Stiles

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It was a short walk, from the small town's grocer store to your house. Maybe five minutes tops. It was suppose to be a simple trip, key word: Suppose.
You screamed in terror as Stiles, your boyfriend, held a tight grip around your mouth, your arms and legs going wild. "Don't worry Dove, don't worry." He repeated, being unfazed by what he was doing. "Don't worry Y/n."
Soon the screaming stopped, your body finally passing out do to lack of air. Nobody saw the demon who took over the sheriff's son place his girlfriend in the blue jeep. No one saw her fighting for air. It was all unseen.

"Well, well, well," Stiles began, looking down at you as you fluttered your eyes open. You looked around, you were tied to a chair, only one light keeping the sealed room you were in bright. "Look whose awake. You know," He began, squatting down in front of you. "You were out so long I thought I must have killed you." You couldn't help but glare at him. "Which, in my eyes wouldn't be such a bad thing."
"Who the hell are you?" You shouted at him. You knew this couldn't be Stiles. Stiles would never hurt anyone, even a fly. Only people who hurt the flies.
'Stiles' laughed, his voice coming out dark and sinister. "You can call me Nogitsune."
"Why are you doing this to me?" You knew you had to stay calm. Scott had lectured, and lectured that if a wolf knew you were scared, you are dead.
"Because Dove," He smiled, you had to fight the urge to punch him in his smug smile. "Stiles and the McCall pack care about you. And I just can't wait to see them suffer."

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