Help- Scott McCall

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"He promised he'd be here Lyds." You sigh, rubbing your arms as you both walk out of the building, side by side as you shiver under the influence of the biting winds.
She looks over at you giving you a weak smile, grabbing your hand and squeezing gently. "I'm sorry Y/N. I know how much this meant to you."
You purse your lips, looking down at the floor as you walked into the parking lot. "Obviously he didn't." "He did Y/N." She says surely, just making you a little angrier.
"Well he obviously just doesn't care then."
Lydia frowns as you walk straight past her car. "Where are you going? I'm your ride!"
You shrug, glancing over your shoulder. "Scott lives like, two blocks from here. I'll walk."
"But I can drive you!" She yells making you roll you eyes. You ignored her and carried on walking, deliberately walking the way that you knew Lydia would never drive, the roads too rough for her brand new tires.
The rocks beneath your feet crunched, your black combat boots keeping your feet warm in comparison to your thin, cotton dress that Lydia had insisted she bought for you. You bite your lip, looking up at one of the streetlight and squinting slightly, the light almost one-hundred times brighter as the ones in the leisure centre.
Lydia had been kind enough to do your hair for you when you had finished which you were grateful for. Otherwise, it would have been wet and itchy and reek of chlorine. You were so glad you had a best-friend as amazing as her.
Your swimming gala had been a success, you had one two first place medals for the long distance swims and a second place trophy for the synchronized dive you did with one of the girls on your swim team. She was a bit of a bitch, but you dealt with it, she was a great diver.
Though, everything would have been better if Scott had actually turned up. You had reminded him every morning, so excited for it yourself that he always laughed and told you there was no way he'd miss it. And yet he had, he'd missed the whole thing and hadn't even bothered with a single phone call.
You took a deep breath and walked up to the front door, knocking gingerly and wincing as your chlorine dried knuckle cracked. Mellissa opened the door, her face falling in genuine surprise. "Y/N?"
You frown slightly, shuffling on your feet awkwardly. "I came to talk to Scott."
"Oh, he's not here right now sweetie," she smiles apologetically. "But you can come in and wait if you'd like."
You nod, walking into the house and unlacing your boots, placing them neatly on the rack. You follow her into the kitchen and take a set at the dining table. "So, uh, where is Scott?" You ask nonchalantly, looking over at her as she put the kettle on.
Mellissa makes a face. "He told me he was going out to help Kira something. I thought you knew?" You groan, placing your head in your hands. "Didn't you know? What's wrong?" She asks softly, taking the seat beside you and resting a motherly hand on your shoulder.
You sniffle, tears pooling in your eyes as you look up at her through your lashes. "He's in love with her, isn't he?"
Mellissa bites her lip, a heavy sigh falling from her mouth. "I can't know what goes through that boys mind, but I do know one thing. I'd prefer you to Kira anyway."
You laugh slightly, a few stray tears falling down your cheeks as you fold your arms on the table and rest your head on them. "What did I do wrong?"
Mellissa looks up at the ceiling, internally cursing at her son for making the girl that he should be worshipping so upset. "You didn't do anything. I promise you."
"Then why didn't he come?" You choke, looking over at her, your face showing how broken you were feeling on the inside. "Why did he choose her over me?"
She gently lifts up your chin making you sit up straight. She pulls the medals out of your shirt and inhales deeply. "Oh sweetheart." "Lydia was there," you smile softly through your tears. "She cheered so loudly, I was worried she would distract me. But it helped, she helped me win."
"He wasn't there, Mellissa. He didn't even call me, text me. Nothing. He just didn't turn up." You look over your shoulder as you hear the revving of Scott's bike engine. You take off your medals, laying them on the table and smiling sadly as Mellissa looked at you curiously. "They don't mean anything. They're just a reminder of a shit night."
You stay sat at the table with a nervous looking Mellissa who sat staring at you in apology as her son walked into the room. "Hey mom. Hey Y/N." He had to do a double take to make sure he wasn't seeing things. "Y/N?"
"Hi." You say quietly, looking over at him and feeling your heart speed up as you took in his disheveled hair and incorrectly buttoned shirt. "Had a nice night?"
He looks from you to the medals, his eyes widening in realization. "Oh Y/N."
You laugh humourlessly, standing up and picking up the medals, walking over to him as he stood frozen in shock. You place the first one around his neck. "First place jerk." You whisper, placing the next one on-top and glaring at his. "First place asshole."
His mouth gaped as he looks down into your eyes. "Y/N."
"I would go on, but i dropped out of the rest of the comps after realizing you hadn't turned up." You shake your head, looking up at him angrily. "You promised!"
"I had to help Kira!" He yells back making you roll your eyes and step away from him. "Why are you being like this?!"
You narrow your eyes at him. "Me? Me being like this?!"
Mellissa stands up. "Okay, why doesn't everyone calm down?"
You shake your head furiously. "I'm done! I'm done with both of you! You, Kira, go and live together, have sex whenever the hell you want! Atleast now you won't have to sneak around!"
He growls at you. "Atleast she isn't an obsessive bitch that throws a hissy fit each time she doesn't get her own way!"
"Why don't you get your head out of your ass! You're such a dick!"
"Okay, I think-"
You cut her off angrily. "No, I'm done! I'm leaving!"
You back out of the kitchen and storm out of the house, only grabbing your shoes and not even bothering to put them on as you slammed the door shut, running down the street. You make a stupid split second decision and walk into the woods, dropping your boots and yelling out angrily, punching a random tree and yelping in pain as your knuckles began to bleed.
You stumble through the woods, your feet being cut up by the twigs and any other sharp objects that were spread around the floor. You gasp as your trip on a ragged twig, falling to the floor and screaming in pain and horror as you felt your leg snap beneath you. You take a deep breath, tears of pain falling down your face as you try to push yourself up, failing and falling back to the floor with a heavy sigh.
You take a deep breath, bringing out your phone and dialing the first number that popped into your mind. Scott.
You whip your head around as the dial tone rang in your ear, hearing a small growl from behind you. You squint slightly, wishing that your eyes could adjust to see in the dark. "Hello? Is anyone there!" You yell in panic, whipping your head around as the growl come from your left this time. "Please don't hurt me!" You hated how weak you sounded, but you were a mere human.
"Hi this is Scott, please leave a message after the beep."
You make a high sound in the back of your throat as the growls got louder. You scream as a dark figure came running toward you, throwing your phone as you tried to scramble away. It was fast, so fast, it ran at you, knocking you to the ground and scratching at you, growling in your face. You screamed in pain, clenching your eyes closed as the pain became you.
You sigh in relief as it finally backed away, running off into the woods, obviously getting bored with you. You cautiously look down, hissing as you took in your torn up t-shirt that had been stained with blood. You reach out out grab your phone. You click on Stiles icon shakily, your sight becoming hazy as you blinked continuously. "Stiles, Stiles please answer."
You sob, the pain becoming too much to handle. "Stiles please, it hurts."
"Y/N? What's happened? Where are you?!"
Your face scrunches up in pain. "Help me, please Stiles."
Your hand falls to the floor, the phone dropping to the ground as your head fell limply to the ground. And in that moment, you felt nothing, No pain, no hurting, no anger. Your eyes fluttered closed, gasping in breath as your heart stopped.
"Y/N!" Lydia's banshee scream echoes throughout Beacon Hills as she sits in her car at the side of the road, clutching the steering wheel as her eyes grew wide in panic.

Originally posted by schwarzerstrand
Stiles fell to the ground on his bed, Lydia's scream so loud that even he, a human, had heard it. He cries out, looking down at the phone that he had dropped to the floor.
Scott looked over at his bedroom window sharply, clutching his ears as Lydia's scream echoed through his mind. "Y/N?" He scrambles over to his bedside table, seeing the one missed call from around fifteen minutes ago. "Oh my god."
Mellissa busts into the room, her eyes overflowing with tears. She knew. Everyone knew. Y/N was gone.

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