Daddy- Theo Raeken

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Theo didn't mean for any of it to happen. He thought he would come to Beacon Hills, get what he wanted, and live his life. You were definitely not part of the plan. He didn't mean to hook up with you that one time. And he definitely didn't mean to hook up with you again after it.

And he really didn't mean for anyone to find out about him working for the Dread Doctors. Especially you. No one knew about your regular hook-ups. What he definitely didn't want you to know, was that he began to grow feelings for you. You two were just... well, he wasn't sure what you were. Friends? Friends with benefits? Just Benefits? Enemies? Maybe you weren't anything at all. But when you found out about him, he lost it. The cool, calm and evil facade was just a cover. He knew it was over the moment he passed you in the hall and you didn't spare him so much as a backwards glance.

That's why he almost died of shock when you showed up in his room. Usually you would call ahead, send a text, but Theo had assumed you never wanted to see his face again. You hadn't been waiting long. You came to his house as soon as you saw that he left the Dread Doctors. He stepped into his room and did a double take. Was it you? It was.

"Y/N," he breathed, freezing in his place. "W-what are you doing here?" You smirked as his voice wavered. You were the only one that could do that to him.

"Why do you think I'm here?" you teased, knowing he would think that you were here to hook up.

"I-I don't know," he lied. Your words made him think of all the things he could do to you. His body began to react. Your smirk only widened. "Y/N, why are you here?"

"To see if it was true," you admitted, "I wanted to see it for myself."

"What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

"Did you try and kill Scott?" you deadpanned. If he betrayed you, he might as well tell you to your face.

"I-I'm sorry," he whispered, taking a step towards you.

You scoffed, stepping back. "That's it? You put wolfsbane in the inhaler, you manipulated Liam into attacking him, and then you try to kill Scott, and all you've got for me is 'I'm sorry'?"

"Y/N, l-let me explain," he stepped towards you reaching out a hand. You jerk away.

"Pathetic," you spit at him, "You're lucky I'm the forgiving type."

Theo's jaw hits the floor. "What?" he gasps, not believing what he heard. "D-does that mean that we, you know, we're not over?"

You bite your lip at him step closer. Leaning in so that your mouth was by his ear, your tongue flicks out to his earlobe. "I guess you'll have to wait and see." And then you're gone.

You could tell that Theo was staring at you across the classroom. He was practically burning holes into the side of your head. You knew what he wanted, it was obvious really. You couldn't deny that you want him too, but who said you were going to give in to him? You knew that if you kept this up much longer, he might wolf out. Well, chimera out, because he wasn't technically a wolf. Right?

But anyway, you could practically hear Theo growl as you shifted in your seat, revealing a sliver of skin. His heartbeat quickened as you pulled you hair back of your shoulder, revealing your bra strap. Oh he couldn't wait to rip that off of you...

"Mr. Raeken, would you like to stop daydreaming and answer the question?" Ms. Finch's nasally voice broke Theo from his scrutiny, much to your amusement. Theo didn't blush, but instead scowled at Ms. Finch before replying with cold, "No, thanks." Ms. Finch gives Theo a menacing glare but doesn't say anything.

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