Poison- Derek Hale

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"Jennifer's back? How the hell is that going to happen,you told me you ripped her to shreds!"
When your boyfriend's ex is back it's supposed to be trouble,but when her hobby is human sacrifice,there's more than jealousy and over-protectiveness that's coming.
"I did! And now I don't know how the hell she came back and why,but I'm sensing it's not good."
Derek knows why she's being like this,she lost people she knows because of the Darach,people who she greeted every day,came home with,had lunch with,and they're gone,because of someone who is hungry for power and would sacrifice innocent people.
"Hey,we'll find her don't worry,and when we do,she's going to be gone for good."
"And how are you going to do that?"
"That's why the Scott's pack is coming."

"So,all of us have different parts while we're trying to find her,of course the werewolves are going to sniff her like an animal,and of course,us humans—Y/N and I,of course also Allison,but she's got non-human reflexes—"
"Can you please,shut up and continue with the plan?"
Peter shouted from the stairs.
"Okay,so Y/N and I are going to get the keys to school,someone needs to be a bait,that's going to be waiting in one of the rooms,all you werewolves are going to wait and when she's going to get one of us,you're you know,going to save us."
"Y/N wouldn't be a bait,Stiles."
"Well,there's only 5 choices—Virgins,Gaurdians,Philosophers,Warrios,okay? I don't think I'm one of those?"
"I think you fit one of those."
"I took it actually,so he couldn't be a bait."
Malia said out loud without even stuttering or muttering anything,her eyes wide,mirroring the others.
"What makes you think I didn't take Y/N's."
"Oh my God,we didn't have to know that."
"You actually do,because when you walk here in the loft expecting a meeting and you don't see them in here you might actually turn around and go back."
Derek turned around,his hand clutching a scissors that was meant to hold down the blueprint of the highschool along with a hundred of papers that are supposedly going to help them with catching Jennifer.
"Ow,you fucking—"
"Shut up Peter,will you?"
Y/N's heart hasn't stopped beating so hard since Peter told her that Jennifer's alive,she doesn't want to lose anyone else,especially these people in the room,they were just teenagers,they weren't supposed to be charging into danger.
She reeks of fear and it's taking a toll on her,and he's not happy about it,he wants to put an end to this,he doesn't like it when stuff like this touches Y/N or even knows it,she's human—destructible and he isn't,of course Jennifer's charging on her,not him.
"After that we're going to lock her up in Eichen."
"And how are we supposed to do that? She's rogue,c'mon how are we even going to get ahold of her."
"My dad."
Allison spoke up.
After the death of her mother,he always knows what she's up to,whatever the pack is dealing with,and he's always willing to help,sparing the teenagers of the danger because of the supernatural underbelly of Beacon hills.
"And how are we going to know that she's going to be locked up there forever?"
"It's Eichen,she's going to be locked up till she dies."

There's absolutely nothing going according to plan.
Derek was knocked down and Y/N was the only one left,Stiles is also unconscious in the corner,probably has a concussion.
Scott and the others were locked out of the room.
"Y/N!I was hoping we'd meet,you know,just checking out who my ex is dating."
"Shut up,you weren't there long enough to be his girlfriend,you were to busy running around,sacrificing innocent people!"
"Oh,and you're next."
She was gone,like a puff of smoke,leaving Y/N confused.
Why didn't she take her?
That's the point right? A warrior? She knows she's fitting for it,she has been a hunter ever since her parents died,Derek trains with her in the loft.
By the time the werewolves were able to break into the lab,Jennifer's gone.
She clearly wants something,then why the hell didn't she take anything?No one really noticed how Derek went down,that he didn't get knocked down by Jennifer.
She managed to get a powder,making Derek succumb to anything she wants,she was going to use it,Derek is something powerful,something that can get her around the town.
Y/N doesn't know anything as she wipes the wet cloth on his forehead,hoping the he'd wake up soon.
Stiles is already awake,why isn't he?
"You're reeking of fear,he'll wake up,don't worry."
"Yeah,of course."
But he didn't wake up till the next morning,and his behavior is not the very best either,the poison that Jennifer handed to him was slowly coursing through his veins,getting closer and closer to his brain,where it would take its effect and he'd forget Y/N,like she never existed in his life.
Her hands was shaking,she doesn't know whether she'll be nervous or happy,nervous about why he was unconscious for days or just be happy because he's awake and out of danger.
"I can do it."
Her brows furrowed at how cold he talked,it doesn't hold the stillness it has whenever he talks to her,how much lighter his voice is,how careful his tone to her,but it's all gone,it's almost like he's talking to Peter.
But she wasn't expecting that 3 days later she would be at the loft,her hand clutching her side,while hot blood rush out of it,slashes of claws designs her side from now on.
"I told you Y/N to stay out of my way,you didn't listen,now look who gets to hurt you in the end."
Her face was tainted with blood,coming out of her mouth and gushing out of her head,she was loosing so much at such a short time,the pressure she's supposed to put on her wound is not pressure at all,
She was going to Derek's loft,visiting him just to make sure his episode on her was gone,she's not really sure what happened,they talked about being the bait,they talked about the plan,everything,then why the hell has he been acting that way?
Her mind wasn't trained on the papers infront of her,but another distraction sat herself on the opposite chair.
"Why are you studying here?"
"You've got some pretty nice grades,considering that you fight off supernatural beings here in Beacon hills alongside with your boyfriend."
"What do you want with him?"
"I need him,all those teenagers want me dead and I still need to finish some things here,and you're the only one who can get him to say yes—"
"I'm not going to hand over my boyfriend to accomplish your sacrifices Jennifer,you already took people from me,I'm not handing you more."
She scrambled up all her paperwork and walked away from her,
"If you don't do this,you'll end up being hurt by that one person who you never thought would hurt you."
"Who? Derek?"
She was gone again,using her powers in broad daylight.
The next day became even worse.
"C'mon tell me,what's wrong? What did I do? Why are you so cold to me? Der—"
Her hand barely touched her back,when he turned,his claws were out,his eyes and fangs showing and he growled,with his face inches away from hers.
She couldn't stop the tears that appeared in her eyes,pooling and threatening to slip over,her throat dry out of fear.
She has never been afraid of him,he didn't give her a reason to,even when that day he turned in front of her the first time,letting her know what he is,and what he can do if he ever lose control.
His heart was beating rapidly and he's trying to hold on to his last shred of being human who was sitting infront of him,with her hair up,and with only his t shirt on.
When he turned it's another story.It was like she saw someone delicate,that's how he feels when she touched his cheeks,her fingers barely even there,her hand on his cheeks,her thumb trailing his lips.
"Please don't be afraid."
"Then don't give me a reason to."
She gasped as his claws digged into her wrist,she can feel blood pouring out.
"Derek enough!"
She stepped back and saw who was behind him,she never thought she would somehow be delighted about her appearance.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm getting what I want,remember,I warned you,but you just didn't listen."
Pieces of puzzles made their way to each other,all these days that she's been here everything between her and Derek went down the drain.
She caused it all,just to get him.
"I told you Y/N,I warned you over and over to just hand him to me,all by yourself,and now,just look,you made me drive him away from you."
"What did you do? Why is he being like this?"
"He's forgetting you,slowly.And may be tomorrow you don't even exist in his mind anymore."
She couldn't fight herself anymore.
She grabbed Jennifer by her wrist,her nails digging into the skin.
"Derek,she's hurting me!"
Her face dropped off the evil smirk that designed her face seconds ago and put on another mask,trying to get Derek to hurt Y/N.
Somebody grabbed her from the side,his claws dug into her skin once again,but this time,deeper,and he moved his hand,making blood spill into her t-shirt and his hand,she can feel how much blood she's loosing and it's definitely a ticket to her death.
She whimpered at how each second there's a new wave of hot blood escaping her from the slash.His claws doesn't match on how much it hurts to watch on how Derek checks up on Jennifer,seeing how much his care for her is genuine,how he looks at her.
She doesn't know why her sight is blurred,may be because of her tears or dizziness that's trailing to her.She can't do anything but try to not cry infront of the two of them.
She was on the brink of passing out when Lydia grabbed her face and shook her,making her more awake than the seconds before,Lydia's hands are shaking when she noticed how cold Y/N is compared to her.
"Y/N please you've got to stay awake.Stiles!"
She couldn't watch Y/N being like this.
She was like a big sister she never had,she helped just like Derek,they worked side by side at training them.
"You need to stay awake,please I'm begging you,just a while longer,okay?"
She couldn't do anything but help Y/N put pressure on her wound,that's still gushing out blood,making it pool around them.
Stiles succeeded on injecting the antidote that Deaton gave him.
They all have been noticing how Derek was acting different,he was snappy,more than the usual and Scott put two and two together.
Good thing he told Deaton about it.
They were able to stop it.
But he didn't realize it was too late until he found Y/N lying there looking lifeless.
"I'm not going to last am I?"
She never thought she would die this way,she never thought that he'd be the reason for her death.He who loves her so much found a way to hurt her,he would die for her made her like this.Anyway,she was content,at how it all turned out,she loved and was loved.
She was somebody.
Somebody who he would cry for.
Somebody who he would die for.
Somebody who can love him.
And she's dying.

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