How to Save a life- Derek Hale

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"Need anything else before I go, Melissa?" I ask sliding off my white coat to hang on the hanger outside the nurses' dressing room.
"I think I'm alright. Drive home safely. The roads are kinda slippery due to the rain." She answers back quickly before heading down the patient hallway to treat another patient.
Great. I don't have an umbrella.
I quickly sprint to my car, avoiding as much rain as possible, and fire up the engine.
"Um, Derek. Do you think you could come pick me up? It's raining really hard and I have a flat tire. I'll get someone to come and change it in the morning." I quickly say as he answers the phone.
"Um, yeah. I guess, where are you?" He answers quietly, his voice sounds groggy like I've woken him up.
"I mean its okay if you can't. I imagine Melissa is still down at the hospital. I can just get her to swing by and take me home." I answer back suddenly feeling bad for waking him up from his sleep.
"NO. I mean. I'll be there in a minute. Where are you?" He quickly says almost yelling. I softly smile.
"Thank you Derek for picking me up." I smile over to him, almost freezing when the air conditioning hits my rain drenched body.
"No problem. I couldn't just leave a beaut like you outside in the rain now could I? Oh, and there's one of my jackets in the back if you're cold." He chuckles softly then notices my shivering self. I instantly blush in reaction.
"Thank you." I reach back and slip on one of his oversized jackets.
"Cute." He looks over to me smirking at how large his jacket looked on me. His nice words making me blush for a second time.
After this, the ride becomes silent, just the humming of his car and the radio playing in the background fills the silent void.
As we ride I begin to think of all the things that have happened in the last six months.
1.) Moving to a small town where everything feels weird and I know no one.
2.) Getting a job at the hospital as an intern for Miss Melissa McCall.
3.) Melissa filling me in on the reason all this crap happens in the town of Beacon Hills.... The Supernatural. And her son happens to be one of back.
4.) Meeting Derek Hale and his obnoxiously hilarious 'friends'.
5.) Forming a cliché crush on one of the most powerful creatures in the world... An Alpha.
Life sure hasn't been easy, living in a supernatural infested town and wanting someone you know you can't have and all. Always having to watch your back even in the grocery store, completely terrified at even the slightest noise that something bad is going to happen.
Derek's made it easier I guess you could say, the two of us had become friends right off the bat and he was quite protective of me even though meeting only a few months before.
My mind is shattered back to reality when Derek slightly gasps.
"Who the heck is that? And what is it doing?" Derek asks the questions I had automatically been thinking. A figure stands in the road not even bothering to move as we get closer to its strangely familiar stature.
"Is-is that Theo?" I quietly stutter out barely audible for Derek to hear.
The car abruptly slams to a stop. Not from Derek's brakes, but from Theo's hand coming in contact with the hood of his car. His once baby blues now an electric yellow.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Derek asks quietly not looking away from the hormonal teenager at the hood of his car.
"Ye-" I never finished my sentence. The car is suddenly slammed to the side and off of the road by a murderous looking Theo. Even with the seat belts, our bodies fly out the driver's side window and onto the hard and wet ground.
Theo leaps on Derek in an instant completely ignoring my presence. I quickly stand and run at the two men rolling along the ground.
Theo rolls victoriously on top of Derek before slamming his fist down one good time on his head, knocking him out cold.
"THEO. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!" I loudly scream lunging and kicking him in the chest knocking him off the gorgeous man whom lay unconscious at my feet, tears beginning to form behind my eyes. I instantly regret the decision. I mean, Human Nurse VS Chimera... Who do you think will win?
"You know Y/N. Derek seems to have become a little soft since you arrived." He begins, standing not seeming to be even slightly knocked off by the kick to the chest, "I think he might like you," he continues on, my mind running a million miles a second, his simple words playing with my head, "wouldn't it be great if I just ended you BOTH right here, right now." I back up as he gets closer, a sickly smirk etching across his deceivingly beautiful face.
I turn to run but catch myself almost tripping on a tree limb.
"Bye Y/N." He smirks looking me dead in the eyes before slicing his claws into my side and hurling my already weak body into a large nearby tree. His claws leaving behind tears in my shirt and tears in my skin.
My shin takes the impact first against the tree, my head hitting the ground second, everything becoming black in an instant.

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