Black Friday- Isaac Lahey

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"Come on! You have to come with me! Please?" You looked at your long term boyfriend Isacc with big round eyes, begging him to come Black Friday shopping with you. He just shook his head rolling his eyes.
" You know I hate shopping."
"But Isacc its black friday! That means we can get stuff for cheep cheep cheep, plus I said Pleeasee?" You stuck your bottom lip out knowing it would send him over the edge.
"Y/N-" he sighed.
"Fine." You snorted, " I will just by a shit tone of pink stuff then, since you obviously don't mind." 
He looked at you and laughed. "Fine, I'll come, but you owe me ok?" 
You squealed jumping up to give him a kiss on the cheek and hug around the neck.
" Oh yay! I knew I loved you for a reason!, now come on!" You grabbed his arm and started dragging him to the car.
The car ride to the store was filled with Christmas music and jokes about how you sang off key and how it was just after Thanksgiving . All you could do was laugh at the boy driving, and wonder how you got so lucky. Little did you know that he was wondering the same thing. 
In the first store you found everything easily, it wasn't too crowded, and everything was were it was supposed to be. You dragged Isacc around not even bothering to ask him how he liked things. You knew this taste well enough, to know that you were picking things you both liked. It was only until you got to target that you started to doubt yourself. You caught him looking at a pillow you wouldn't have picked out, and that threw you off. 
You held up the pillow that was in your hand " babe,  do you like this one?" 
He glanced over at the pillow. " yeah its fine."
You smiled and rolled your eyes. " Fine? or fine fine." 
He cracked a smile, leaning against the cart you two were using. "Is there more then one kind of fine ?"
" You know what I mean Isaac!" You said throwing the pillow at him
He threw it back at you, gently. 
" Yes Y/N I like it."  you tossed it in the cart.
"What about this one? " holding up the pillow he had been looking at. 
" Do we need more then one pillow?" He said raising his eyebrows.
"They are decorative you silly! We can have as many as we want!" 
He rolled his eyes. "Yes. I like that pillow." 
You squealed happily, dragging the cart away, down the isle. 
Under his breath you could hear him mutter " I love you, you crazy girl"

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