I might just take you up on that- Scoot Mccall

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"Are you sure I'm allowed to be here?" Liam asked as he watched the sea of people shift and sway around him.
"Definitely not," Stiles told him, eyeing the tray of drinks passing him by in the crowd. "For the record, I voted against bringing you."
Scott sighed from behind them as he moved through the crowded club. Sinema has just opened up downtown and since it had only been a few weeks after the end of the deadpool and everything with Peter, the Alpha had decided that the pack needed to celebrate their victory. And now that Liam was a part of the pack, Scott figured it would be unfair not to invite his young beta.
"Come on, Stiles," Scott told his best friend. "He'll be fine."
Stiles narrowed his eyes and stared at Liam, who was now gaping at one of the barely dressed waitresses passing by in the crowd. "Yeah, sure. He'll be fine."
"He will," Scott insisted. "Where are the girls?"
"Well, Malia stopped to dance back there," Stiles began, gesturing over his shoulder with his thumb. "Kira went to find the bathroom, and Lydia's over by the bar, probably giving three different guys a run for their money."
"Bitter much?" Liam asked him.
"Shut up," Stiles complained. "Don't make me regret getting you that fake I.D."
Liam huffed and peered around the room, taking a moment to eye the sheer number of people in the club. The music was loud and infectious and it didn't help that he still couldn't entirely control his heightened senses. He could smell things he couldn't even name and he wasn't sure he wanted to know what they were. He was beginning to think that going clubbing might not have been all it was cracked up to be, when he suddenly caught a whiff of something surprisingly familiar.
Liam inhaled deeply, but the thick, acrid scent seemed to be hitting him right in the face to begin with. Anger and bitterness were two emotions he knew well and maybe that was why he couldn't help but feel concerned. Whoever it was radiating from seemed to be a ticking time bomb, someone just waiting to snap.
"Scott," Liam said, stopping in the middle of the crowd.
"Jesus, Liam!" Stiles cried as he slammed into the back of him. "What's wrong now?"
"Do you smell that?" he asked Scott, ignoring the other boy.
Scotts brow furrowed and he inhaled deeply. When he realized what Liam was talking about, he looked at the younger boy. "Woah."
"What?" Stiles demanded. "What is it?"
"Someone's angry," Scott told him. "Really angry."
"And?" Stiles asked. "That's our problem why?"
"Because I'm pretty sure they're not human," Scott stated as he studied the scent.
"Please tell me it's not another angry werewolf," Stiles begged. "Scott, I wanted to have fun tonight."
"It's not a werewolf," Scott stated. "It's something else. I've actually never smelled anything like it."
"Can you at least tell me who it is so I know who to run from?"
Scott peered around the room, carefully trying to narrow down where the scent was coming from. He looked back toward the bar, but it was only a crowd of people and Lydia, smiling slyly at a tall guy with black hair. His gaze swept over the dancing crowd, but when he looked into the corner of the room and saw a collection of red, plush couches, he realized the person wasn't on the floor at all.
There was a girl sitting on one of the couches, looking fairly out of place among the other laughing, drunk people. Everyone else may have been dancing or drinking, but you were just sitting there, staring at the crowd. Upon first glance, Scott hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary, but when he stared at you for more than few seconds, he realized that you weren't a normal teenage girl.
There was a wave of energy radiating from you, not to be seen, but something to be felt by someone with heightened senses like Scott's. There was something powerful about you, and Scott knew that that much power combined with that much anger meant danger.
"Do either of you know that girl?" Scott asked Stiles and Liam.
"No," Liam said as he peered around the room. "But I might know someone who does."
He nodded over to the corner of the room, where a tall, curly-hair guy was leaning against the wall, a drink in his hand. Liam would have recognized Brett from a mile away, mostly because he had gotten so used to avoiding him at Devenford Prep. He liked to think that after nearly being assassinated several times, Brett was a better person. With that being said, he still didn't like running into him, but he knew this time it might be unavoidable.
"Come on," Liam said, gesturing for Scott and Stiles to follow him.
They moved through the crowd, sliding along the back wall, which wasn't as tightly packed. It wasn't long until they were able to make their way to Brett and his eyes met Liam's. Brett frowned and turned away from the guy he had been talking to. Liam shot him a pleading look, and Brett rolled his eyes and nodded the other guy off.
"What is it?" Brett asked Liam.
"Do you know that girl?" he asked, gesturing to you on the couch.
Brett followed Liam's gaze and frowned. "That's Y/n. Don't bother her, Liam. I don't care about your little crush."
"Wh-no, I don't!" Liam cried. "That's not-"
"That's not what we're here for," Scott stated. "She's not human. And angry too. Like 'cause a scene in a crowded club' angry."
Brett crossed his arms over his chest. "Losing your whole family will do that to you."
"She was on the deadpool," Stiles realized.
Brett gave one firm nod. "Her whole family was. They were witches and her mom sent her out to try and help my pack when that psycho with the virus tried to wipe us all out. When she went back to her house, every single one of them had a stake through their heart. She was the strongest one of her family. Now she's the last."
Scott felt his chest tighten, his breath catching in his throat. He remembered hearing about the murders, but since it had happened so close to the deadpool being over, he hadn't thought to check to see if anyone had survived. It might him feel a little guilty, knowing that there was another supernatural creature in Beacon Hills he was supposed to have been protecting.
"I didn't know," Scott said softly. "I had no idea."
"Look," Brett said. "Y/n is angry. She's lost her whole family and she hasn't taken it the best. She's staying with me and Satomi and we're trying to teach her control, but she's so bitter. I feel bad for anyone who tries to mess with her, because she could kill them without lifting a finger."
"We have to do something then," Scott said.
"Like I said, Satomi is trying," Brett continued. "But she needs time to heal. I bring her here with me sometimes to get her out of the house. Believe it or not, she was a lot worse than this a couple weeks ago. She's getting better, but I don't want you guys to mess with her, okay? She doesn't even know you."
"Can I at least talk to her?" Scott asked. "If she needs something, maybe I can help."
"I wouldn't," Brett told him honestly. "But I'll pass your name along, okay?"
"Okay," Scott said softly. "Thanks."
Brett nodded as Scott and Stiles turned away, Liam following closely behind.
"So are you gonna talk to her?" Liam asked Scott.
"No," he said with a shake of his head. "I trust Brett. We can keep an eye on her tonight, just to make sure she doesn't do anything, but he's right. We don't know how she's going to react to some stranger trying to question her."
"Yeah," Stiles agreed. "Now that we know that's not our problem, how about we do what we came here to do?"
"Which was?" Scott asked him.
"Get drunk."
Scott leaned against one of the back walls of Sinema, watching with a smile on his face as Stiles bobbed awkwardly to the music. His best friend was a little drunk and that much was evident in the way he swayed back and forth as he tried to grab the attention of a girl with red hair. Scott couldn't help but smile at the scene, but as his gaze moved on to the other side of the room, he couldn't pull his eyes away from you. You were still sitting there on the couch, staring morbidly out at the dancing crowd as you balanced your chin on your hand. Scott knew it would have been wiser to leave well enough alone, but as he focused his senses, he couldn't ignore the overwhelming sadness that surrounded you. You weren't just angry, he realized. You were hurting.
He tilted his head as he looked at you and he figured that he didn't care what Brett had said. He began to head through the crowd and walk toward you, just as you turned your head and caught sight of him. Your dark, hollow eyes met Scott's brown ones, and for a second he froze. You eyed him for a few seconds, but then your gaze moved on and soon you were rising from the couch.
Scott watched as you quickly glided along the back wall, heading toward the exit. He tried to quicken his pace, but moving through the crowd was like trying to tug himself loose from flypaper. By the time he made it to the front door of the club, you had disappeared.
Scott sighed and looked back into the crowd, catching sight of each pack member. Most of them were either dancing or talking to one another, and even though Scott knew he should just go back to his friends, he slipped out into the warm night.
You walked along the sidewalk leading from the club, listening to the slow thud of the music that was beginning to fade away. You ducked your head down low and stuck your hands into the pockets of your shorts, wanting nothing more than to be alone. Alone, you thought with a scoff. That was all you seemed to be these days.
Even though Satomi had taken you in like one of her own, you couldn't help but feel out of place in the home of a werewolf. You missed your family terribly, and you still felt that if you hadn't left them, if you had just ignored your mother, maybe you could have died with them. You hadn't wanted to leave that day, but you did anyway with the assurance that they would be fine without you. You never dreamed that you would come home to find their bodies, staring you right in the face with cold, dead eyes.
That much pain was bound to bring on some anger and while Satomi was trying to teach you to keep it in control, you weren't sure you cared enough to. You didn't understand why she was trying so hard, why she felt so obligated to be there to help you. If it was up to you, you would have preferred to be left alone, but you had nowhere else to go.
You knew Brett would eventually realize you were gone and freak when he couldn't find you, but that wouldn't be for a while. You told yourself you could always go back, and even though you might have gotten into trouble with Satomi, you continued to walk. It couldn't have been five minutes before you heard several pairs of footsteps behind you.
You had just turned the corner onto a dimly lit street when you felt a figure brush up against you. "Hey, Pretty Girl."
You jumped and stumbled back, looking up at a tall shadow of a figure, leaning toward you in the darkness. "You look lonely."
"Stay the hell away from me," you spat, eyeing the man with narrowed eyes.
You turned to walk away, but in doing so you just bumped into another dark figure. "Where you goin', Sweetheart?"
He moved toward you and you shoved him away, only to have him snatch your wrists in an ironclad grip. Instead of the fear you should have felt, anger was the only sensation tearing through you at the moment. You shoved against the man, but you quickly felt the other one brushing up against you.
"Now what's a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?" he asked.
"Look," you told him as you tried to jerk away. "I'm giving you three seconds to let go of me and run, unless you want to end up as a pile of bones and skin."
The first man simply laughed, dark and rough as it rumbled through his chest and against your back. "Sweetheart, you're alone."
You felt your fingers curl into fists and for the first time in weeks, you smiled. "You have no idea."
You closed your eyes and concentrated, remembering something your mother had once taught you. You focused on the hottest thing you could think of, a flame so scalding that you felt your skin begin to tingle. In about three seconds, you heard a painful yelp as the men let go of you, jerking away as if they had been burned.
"What the hell?" one cried.
You whirled around as they stumbled back, suddenly facing both of them. You reached up with one hand, and as if he was being lifted off the ground by invisible fingers, the man who had first spoken to you began to rise into the air. You felt an eerie chill begin to spread through your body, and wind began to whip around you. Your hair fluttered away from your face as you picked the man up with nothing but your own power.
"Wait!" he cried. "Wait, what are you doing?! Stop, please, just stop!"
"I told you to stop," you snarled, slamming him into the rough surface of the brick building next to you.
"I'm sorry," he sobbed as you pinned him to the wall. "I'm sorry, please, just put me down!"
You glared at him, taking a step forward with your eyes blazing like fire. If he and his friend had happened upon some other perfectly innocent girl, you were sure he would have done a lot worse. Why shouldn't I kill them? you thought. Why shouldn't I cause them as much pain as they were trying to cause me?
You shot a look over at the man's friend, who was cowering on the ground in fear. The moment you looked his way, he bolted up from the sidewalk and ran away with a scream. You watched him go for a few seconds, and then you finally turned back to your victim.
"Looks like you didn't choose very good friends," you told him venomously.
"Please," the man whispered.
His eyes were dark and desperate, and when you looked closed your could see his lip was trembling. You didn't have senses like a werewolf, but you swore you could feel the fear rolling off of this guy in waves. Maybe a few weeks ago you would have let him go, but that was before you realized just how violent human beings could be. Maybe this man was no supernatural being, but he was certainly a monster.
You gritted your teeth as memories of your family started to flow through your head. You couldn't forget their eyes, cold and unforgiving as they stared at you from the blood-stained floor. You couldn't forget your own scream, realizing that you were really, truly alone. You would always remember the day your life became intertwined with bitterness and pain and you knew that man had probably caused it in someone else's.
As you gritted your teeth and picked his body up from the wall, that was the only thought on your mind. He screamed and begged as you lifted him, intending to throw him against the brick in rage. You were breathing heavily as he cried, but that wasn't going to dissuade you from your goal. You were positive that nothing would and it wasn't until the voice from behind you shouted out that you froze.
You looked over your shoulder, expecting to see Brett standing there, but it wasn't Satomi's beta at all. There was a tall, dark-haired boy standing on the sidewalk with his arms outstretched in desperation. You could see that his jaw was slightly crooked, although that could have just been the shadows on the street. You had recognized him as the boy who had been staring at you in Sinema, but you hadn't thought much about him. Now it was clear that you should have.
Scott hadn't planned on going out and looking for you past the main street, but when he heard the screams, he began to run in your direction. He never imagined that he'd walk right into you hovering some guy over the ground.
"Don't hurt him," he begged. "This isn't you, Y/n."
"You don't know me," you practically snarled. "I don't even know your name."
"I'm Scott," he told you. "Scott McCall. I'm an alpha-"
"I know what you are," you spat. "My dad talked about you all the time. 'Great new alpha in Beacon Hills. He's going to do great things, Y/n. Maybe he'll even come to you for help one day.' Great things, huh? Well where the hell were you when my family had stakes driven through their hearts? Huh?"
"Don't," you ordered as bitter tears filled your eyes. "Don't act like you know me. Don't act like you know what I'm going through."
"Maybe I don't know you," Scott offered. "But I know what you're going through. I've lost people too. It hurts, Y/n, but your family wouldn't want you to kill somebody."
"How the hell do you know?"
"Because they must have been good people if they sent you to help Brett," he reasoned. "Killers don't do that. And I don't know what this guy has done, but I guarantee you that your parents wouldn't want you to kill him."
"Those assassins killed them," you rambled angrily. "My family wasn't hurting anyone and someone just killed them like they were nothing! I was supposed to be there. I was supposed to help them!"
"You were helping someone else," Scott reminded you. "Someone who needed you more."
"How?" you demanded, tears now streaming down your face. "How the hell could they need me more than my family? How the hell could I just leave them like that?"
"You were trying to help," Scott stated. "That's what they would have wanted. Not this, Y/n. They never would have wanted this."
You closed your eyes, trying to block out Scott's voice, but there was no way you could unhear his words. You were filled with such bitterness and rage, but you deep down, you knew he was right. Maybe that was why, despite your desire to slam the creep into the wall, you simply lowered him down and let him fall onto a heap on the concrete.
With a panicked cry, he quickly scrambled to his feet and took off down the road. You watched him go with dark eyes, and after you were sure he was gone, you broke down into a wave of sobs. Your knees buckled, hitting the rough sidewalk as you let yourself fall. You brought your hands up to your face, and you expected Scott to walk away now that he knew you wouldn't kill anyone. But to your surprise, you felt one of his warm hands fall onto your shoulder.
You looked up at him through wide eyes, now vacant of the anger and bitterness they had been full of moments ago. Your breath was short and choppy as you turned to him, and without saying anything, he cautiously leaned forward and brought you into his arms. Scott ran a hand down your back as you sobbed into his shirt, and maybe he didn't know you quite yet, but he was determined to make sure that you would be okay. He had seen what loss could do to people, himself included, and he was determined to make sure it didn't break you.
You clung to him in the dark, shaking softly as you cried into his shirt. You knew you would feel embarrassed about it later, but at the moment you didn't care. You didn't know how long you sat there with him until a voice called out "Scott?"
You picked your head up from his chest, and you watched as a short girl with strawberry blonde hair wobbled down the street, practically dragging a boy a whole head taller than her. One of his arms was slung around her shoulder, but his other side was supported by a shorter boy with brown hair.
"You know," you heard the shorter one say. "When he told me he was taking me to a club, this is not how I imagined the night would end."
"Come on guys," the tall boy slurred. "Everyone's having good times. Aren't you Lydia?"
"Oh I'm living the dream," she told him with a sigh.
Scott stood up, holding out his hand to pull you up with him. He frowned as he watched Liam and Lydia pull Stiles over to him. "Uh, is he alright?"
"No," the middle boy insisted. "I was having fun and they ruined it."
"He almost got punched in the face and now Kira and Malia are trying to apologize to all the people he pissed off," Liam explained. "Is, uh, everything okay out here?"
You noticed the way the shorter boy was eyeing you, and you narrowed your eyes at him. He quickly looked away and Scott nodded. "We're good. Y/n, these are some of my pack members. This is Lydia, and Liam, and Stiles is in the middle there. Guys, this is Y/n. She's a witch."
"You look sad," Stiles slurred at you. "Don't be sad. Be drunk."
"Uh, thanks for the tip," you told him, tilting your head and shooting a look at Scott.
"Don't listen to him," Scott told you.
Lydia stepped forward, looking you up and down once. For a moment, you were sure she was judging you, but after a few seconds she simply smiled. "Your shirt is so cute. Thank god I've finally found someone on the same level as me. Kira and Malia know nothing about fashion. Scott, please tell me she's a new addition."
"Uh," Scott said, looking over at you. "She's welcome if she wants to be."
You blinked in shock, looking up at the alpha in astonishment. He had just watched you nearly kill someone, yet he was offering you a place in his pack.
"I...are you sure?" you asked him.
Scott smiled warmly at you. "Of course."
You looked over at Lydia, who was smiling at you encouragingly. Liam looked a little afraid of you, but he seemed to trust Scott. Stiles just flashed you a goofy smile, although you were pretty sure that had more to do with the alcohol than anything else. Either way, as you looked at Scott and his pack, you felt accepted.
You didn't exactly understand why they were so open and welcoming, because if the tables were turned, you might not have been. But Scott had stopped you from making a terrible mistake that night and you knew you could trust him. After all, maybe you had lost your family, but you might be able to find solace in another one.
You turned to Scott, the hint of a smile on your face. "I just might have to take you up on that."

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