Harmless- Garrett

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"I really don't think you should go over there, (Y/N)." Scott warned you. You were about to drive over to Garrett's house to help him prepare for the game tonight, but Scott and Stiles had ambushed you in the school parking lot.
"Why not?" You frowned at them.
Stiles scratched the back of his neck. "We think someone on the lacrosse team is one of the assassins working with the Benefactor."
You scoffed, throwing up your hands. "Garrett is harmless; he's just a freshman!"
"I know," Scott nodded, "but we still think you shouldn't be around him until we know for sure he's innocent, okay?"
You rolled your eyes and got into you car before putting the window down and squinting up at the two partners in crime. "I know Garrett just as well as I know the pack. Even if he was an assassin, he wouldn't hurt me."
With that, you drove off before either of them could stop you. There was no way Garrett was an assassin, it was ridiculous to even think it was a possibility.
As you pulled into his driveway, the thought of Garrett being involved with the Benefactor was the last thing on your mind. Garrett opens the door after your third knock and immediately invites you inside.
"Nervous for the game tonight?" You teased.
He smirked, giving you a once-over. "Not at all."
"Good. I hope Kira will be okay."
"Yeah," he said blankly.
"It's not that she's not good, it's just - she's so tiny, ya know?" You chuckled, going to the fridge for a water. "I'm worried some douchebag will mistake her for a scrawny, little newbie and want to mess with her. Then again, why would Finstock put her on the team if she could get hurt, right?"
Silence filled the air, so you closed the fridge and turned to give Garrett a questioning look. "Eh, you good?" You raised an eyebrow.
His azure eyes snapped up to meet yours. "Yeah."
Getting the vibe he was no longer interested in the conversation, you shrugged and pulled him upstairs. "Let's get ready, then!"
Arriving in his room, he began pacing around the room, grabbing his gear that was strewn across the floor. "Be right back, I'm gonna get changed."
"'Kay," you murmured, too focused on your face in the mirror which you were painting half white, half red - the team's colors. Garrett also had an extra jersey that you had borrowed to wear, just to spice it up a bit.
As you stepped back from the mirror to admire your appearance, you tripped over what felt like a pole and landed on your back. "The hell?" you grumbled as you sat up and noted that you'd slipped on Garrett's lacrosse stick.
You had also noticed that as you reached to pick it up, your finger pressed down on some sort of button - which released a sharp blade that shot out of the end of the stick and nearly scraped your leg.
"You weren't supposed to see that." Garrett sneered from behind you.
teen wolf teen wolf imagines teen wolf imagine garrett garrett imagine scott mccall lydia martin allison argent stiles stilinski derek hale kira yukimura malia tate liam dunbar the walking dead sherlock one direction supernatural doctor who
179 notes Jul 26th, 2014


Negotiations - Garrett Imagine For Anon

Prompt can be found here.
"Garrett, you – you need to stop doing this. Please... For me." You pleaded as he armed himself with lethal weaponry.
"I promise I'll stop," he spoke without facing you, "Just let Violet and I handle the rest of Scott McCall's little group first, okay?"
You frowned at the back of his head and watched him quietly. His golden hair looked feathery and soft in the glaring lights of his bedroom. His elongated back made him look taller than he really was and you yearned to just cuddle up in his arms and prevent him from entering a warzone full of werewolves and hunters alike.
You shook your head. "Garrett -"
"Are you two done? I'd like to get this over with." Violet sneered from the doorway. She clutched her necklace tightly in her hands as if it was her lifeline and watched you with a mischievous stare.
Garrett nodded. "Let's go."
You watched him disappear into the hallway with Violet, completely disregarding your worries. The only feeling washing over you was pure concern; how can they go about their "jobs" so casually? They're taking innocent lives in exchange for money, and there's not even a speck of guilt stirring within them. A frequent conversation took place amongst the three of you in which you rambled on and on about different and easier ways to obtain cash, and you continued to be a broken record as your words ever seemed to register in their minds.
Standing rooted in your spot, you wrapped your arms around yourself. The room felt chilled by the bitter breeze surfing through the open window. The curtains tickled the walls every now and then, extracting the silence from the tense atmosphere.
Time seemed to rush by like it was nothing while endless thoughts bounced around in your head. Garrett was a criminal, and you were well aware of it all; he murdered supernatural beings, he betrayed his best friend Liam, and he cheated on you with Violet for a short time – yet, in spite of it all, you couldn't bring yourself to leave him. You knew that deep down he was caring, he was a gentleman, he was everything you could ever dream of and you loved him.
A strange sound like the scuffing of shoes pulled you back into reality and you shifted, finally moving from your spot. The breeze from the window no longer brushed your bare skin and you spun around, gasping when met with the sight of the now closed window.
"Garrett? Are you in here?" Your voice trembled.
Footsteps sounded behind you, tapping against the wooden floor. "I'm really sorry about this."
The scream you'd attempted to release was tersely cut off when a thick fabric was pulled over your head and your body was lifted into somebody's muscular arms that gripped tighter as you continued to wriggle and shout.
Minutes later, you could hear a metal door opening and closing. Your captor set you down and you ripped the sack off of your head.
"What the hell is this?" You shrieked, staring in awe at the boy in front of you. "Are – are you Scott? Scott McCall?"
Scott scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "I had to do that. I had to kidnap you – you understand, right?"
"Real genius plan, Scott. Bring a girl captive to Derek's and expect her to just go along with it."
Scott glared at someone over your shoulder. "Quiet, Stiles. I doubt you could come up with anything better."
You brought your focus to where Scott was looking and jumped backwards in surprise. Several other people stood before you, watching you with caution. The only ones you knew out of the group were Liam and Lydia – Mason had told you about her.
"Why am I here?" Your voice was unsteady and your hands were shaking at your sides.
"We won't hurt you," a girl stated. The bow resting upon her back lead you to believe otherwise.
"Why else would you bring me here?" You took another step backwards, ironically feeling more security near your abductor than near his pack of friends.
The man with the stubbly beard and brooding stature crossed his arms and sighed. "To send a message."
"Send a message to who? Garrett?" You swallowed and looked at Liam. He was the only one you trusted. "He'll find this as more of a threat than a message. He's trying to – uhm..." You stopped yourself and broke eye contact, mentally cursing to yourself.
"He's trying to what?" Scott questioned, stepping in front of you.
You warily inspected every face in the room. As harmless as these people appeared, you weren't sure how they'd take it when you revealed Garrett and Violet's plans. If there was a chance to avoid any bloodshed, you'd gladly take it. Each of them watched you expectantly.
"You can tell us." Scott insisted, extending an arm towards you.
Flinching away, you spoke quietly, "Please don't hurt him."
"We won't," Scott ensured firmly. "Just tell us what he's planning to do."
You sucked in a huge breath as if it was providing you with the courage you needed. "Him and Violet, they're going to try to kill all of you."
From beside the girl with the bow, Lydia gasped. "I knew it – I knew I sensed something."
A girl with a lengthy sword attached to her hip gasped, staring with wide eyes at the back of Scott's head. "We're their next target?"
"Are you sure they're not after someone else?" The archer inquired.
Biting your lip, you nodded. "I've – I've overhead them talking before. Somebody gave them a list of people to kill, and most of your names are on it."
The group began discussing things amongst themselves, some of them huddled around a table with papers scattered on top of it. You ended up leaning against the large window in the room that looked out into the town. Building roofs dripped with rainwater that puddled onto the shiny concrete streets while the crescent moon gleamed above the skyline, giving the entire image in front of you a gloomy demeanor.
Everything about the current situation you were in truly exhausted you; the conversation taking place behind you about butchering your boyfriend and his partner didn't even phase you. As much as you hated yourself for even considering the idea, maybe it was for the best. If Garrett didn't stop, who knows how out of hand this could get? If it got you kidnapped, who's to say it won't get you killed?
"We're gonna work this out, you know." Someone spoke from beside you, causing you to jump. You weren't even sure when they got there. It was Lydia, who offered a tired smile and leaned her head against the window to stare out at the cars rolling by.
You scoffed. "By killing my friends?"
Her eyes met yours olive green eyes shifted to meet yours. "That's not the way we do things here."
"And how exactly do you things here?" You tilted your head.
Lydia was silent for a brief moment, her expression appearing to be thoughtful. "Scott's way."
All you could do was squint at her in confusion.
"Scott always finds a way to resolve things without anyone getting hurt, and I know that's how he's gonna do things with Garrett and Violet."
The moon became your point of interest again. "How can you be so sure?"
"I just know." And with that, she left you alone.
Not much later, the metal door you came in opened once more and everyone jumped away from the table, taking up their own defensive stance. You stayed by the window and observed cautiously as Garrett and Violet sauntered into the loft.
"Kidnapping my girlfriend, huh?" A sinister chuckle escaped Garrett's lips. "I gotta admit, you surprised me there."
Scott held his hands out as if he was ready for any move pulled by the two assassins. "We just want to negotiate." He offered.
Garrett twirled a dagger in his hands, playing with the jagged edges. "I'm listening."
"The two of you stop killing people, or else we'll –"
Violet cut off Scott with a snort. "Or else you'll what? Kill his girlfriend? Please; if that was the case, you would've done it by now."
"I've got a better idea," Garrett gestured to the group with his weapon. "How about we kill you guys and get the money we deserve?
"Garrett, no," You pushed your way through the group to stand in front of Scott. "You can't do this."
He smiled at you fondly. "Of course I can. You haven't stopped me before, what makes you think you can stop me now?"
You scowled at him, fury building up inside you. "If you really love me, Garrett, you'll put down the weapons and walk out the door with no harm done."
The room went still. No one spoke; they only stood in a protective position and eyed one another with alarm. You watched Garrett's smirk slowly fade away as he gawked at you in disbelief. His hesitation to surrender made your heart sink.
"I thought you were on my side." Garrett mumbled, staring at the dagger in his hands.
"I am," you sighed. "I believe that you're better than this. I can forgive you if you can go back to being the guy I fell in love with. Forget about the money, forget about the list, forget about the murders; let's move past this – together."
You watched him in desperation, watched as his eyebrows furrowed and his lip twitched while he debated in his mind what to do. The shape shifters at your sides, ready to shift any second, gave you an overwhelming sense of anxiety along with the girl who had a sword unsheathed and the girl whose bow was now out.
"No." Garrett said.
Everything happened like it was a blur; you could hardly register what had happened. Scott shoved you behind him and shifted, making the other werewolves shift with him. The two girls with their weapons stood behind the wolves, forming a barrier in front of you and Lydia. Garrett and Violet jumped into action, slicing and punching and – and everything was a big haze of action. Everything you wanted to avoid was happening – everything Lydia said Scott could prevent. There was blood, you couldn't tell whose it was, and the growling was the loudest thing in the room. You turned around, slapping your hands over your ears and closing your eyes, hoping everything would be over soon.

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