Scared Of Losing- Theo Raeken

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I wake up to knocking on my window. My heart
races as I look at the time. 2:25 am. I head over to my window and open the shade a little. Oh thank god, it's just Theo. I open it up and he climbs in. I shut it right after. It's cold outside.
"Good morning?" I say, my voice groggy.
"I didn't know if you were safe or not. I got scared."
"Theo Raeken scared? Theo Raeken protective of someone?" I say, taking a step closer to him.
"Don't do that; you know I'm scared of losing you." He says.
"Well scaredy pup, I want to sleep." I close the shade and walk over to my bed. I get back under the covers. "Well do you want to be a guard dog or would you like to join me?"
"Join." He says and comes over. I open the covers and he takes off his shoes. He crawls in and lifts up his arm, allowing me to lay down on him. He comes at around 2 basically every other night. I don't know why I got so worked up when he tapped on the window. I rest my head on his chest and my arm drapes across his stomach. My leg folds over his and I let out a yawn. I'm back asleep in an instant.

I walk into school the next day with Theo by my side. "Y/N there's some pretty sketchy people here today..."
"Theo, it's school. We're fine." I say. "Besides, teenagers are always sketchy."
"I just don't want you-he has a knife on his backpack." Theo says, stepping in front of me and reaching for my hand.
"Theo it's a pocket knife." I slap his hand away. I walk over to my second best friend, Lydia Martin. I'm not going to lie, Theo has stayed outside in the yard while I was at Lydia's one night.
"Hey!" She says. Theo trails behind me, looking around as he does it.
"Hey!" I say back, smiling a little. "Theo, I'm with Lydia, you don't need to be here."
"She's in Scott's pack. I just can't leave you alone with her."
"Honey, listen. I'm 100% me. The Doctors aren't going to come after me."
"Things are getting worse. I'm not leaving you." He says and I groan. I look at Lydia.
"She's coming to my house tonight." Lydia says.
"Hah! No she's not." Theo tells her, grabbing my shoulders.
"Theo!" I groan.
"The beast is out and I'm not letting you get hurt." Theo says as I turn around. "It'll kill anything and everything and I don't want you dead."
"I'm going to Lydia's."
"Then I'm going with you."
"No you are not!" I argue, taking his hands off my shoulders. "I'll be fine, Lydia will be fine. You need a night without me, Theo."
Lydia and I are sitting in her room, eating Chinese food and watching Project Runway. We're judging everyone and texting people. I get up to go over to my bag and glance out the window. I see Theo's car sitting there. "You're kidding me." I state and Lydia comes over to the window.
"Oh my god." She groans.
"I'll get rid of him." I say and she nods. I head out of Lydia's room and down the stairs. I head out the door and Theo gets out of his car. He leans up against it and I go over and stand across from him. "I told you not to come, I can handle myself."
"I know." He says.
"Then leave." I say, sick of his shit.
"Theo. I can't have you following me around all the time. You're overprotective."
"But I love you..."
"And I love you too but-"
"No, Y/N. I love you." He says, taking my hands. I look up into his eyes. "I know I'm manipulative but I do what I need to to survive. I'm a horrible person but you see the best in me and you're the only one who does. Sometimes I wish I didn't kill my sister and I wish the doctors never got to me. And I hate myself for it. But I love you so much and I never lie to you."
"Theo..." I say and he cups my cheek with one hand.
"Y/N please..." He whispers and I quickly grab the back of his neck. I go up on my tip toes and crash our lips together.
After a while of kissing we pull away. "I love you too, Theo..." I say and he smiles.

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