What?!- Scott Mccall

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"What?" You asked, trying to remain positive. Stiles, your boyfriends best friend, just called you saying that Scott couldn't make your one month anniversary.
"Yeah, he's uhhh." Stiles didn't know how to tell you that your boyfriend was a werewolf, and due to the full moon, the other side of your always happy boyfriend came out. "His mom is um, giving birth."
"Stiles, Melissa isn't pregnant." Sometimes you wondered about Stiles. Most of the time when he was around he didn't seem... All there. "And when I come over Scott better have a real reason for missing today." You told him, hanging up the phone before Stiles could protest.

Pulling up to Scott's house, you sighed in disgust when you saw the lights on. You were confused- and mad. Scott basically showered you in gifts on your one week. He gave you a teddy bear, a small one that he won in a prize machine at the carnival he took you for your first date, and tapped balloons to your car. Don't forget the million "I'm so glad you said yes." "I'm the luckiest man in the world." "You are an amazing girlfriend." You were positive he wouldn't forget today.
You got out of your car, locking it, before walking up to the McCall's front door, ring the doorbell before crossing your arms. This was defiantly not how you wanted to spend today.
"Y/N!" Stiles shouted in shock, practically ripping the door open. "You- you shouldn't be here right now. Its late and-"
"Wheres Scott."
"Oh, Scott. He's um.." Stiles trailed off, scratching his head looking to the side.
"What the hell was that?" You cut him off, hearing deep growling.
"Oh that's the neighbors dog.." He began before you pushed him aside, done with the stalling. "Oh, that. That's uh... Scott."
You couldn't believe what was in front of you. Your boyfriend was on the ground, his eyes were glowing yellow, his fangs were out, not to mention the claws.
"Y/N I can explain."

"What?" You asked, look at Stiles who sat next to Scott, scrunching your eyebrows a little bit in confusion, hoping he would jump out and yell PRANK! "A wolf." You looked back at Scott, who just nodded his head, looking down at his hands in shame. "Oh my God..."
"Y/n, please I can explain." Scott said, finally.
"Why didn't you kill me?" You interrupted him. "I mean, if Stiles couldn't calm you down this whole night, why are you human?"
"You're my anchor Y/N. Your the thing that keeps me tied down to Earth so I don't go and shift and do harm."
"So I guess date night won't be canceled."

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