Ethan x Reader

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Ethan walked away victoriously. He'd asked you out, the only problem now was that he had no idea what he should be doing. He'd arranged the date for later that week only to realise he'd now be stuck making awkward conversation with you, not that he didn't like the thought, just he really didn't want to come off like a stuttering fool.
"You alright... (Y/N) turn you down?" Aiden laughed when he saw his brother.
"Nope, just trying to remain calm and level headed." Ethan grunted back.
"Why (Y/N) likes you?" Aiden chuckled.
"Yeah but I might screw something up, how do you do it?" He asked Aiden how chuckled again.
"Come on, (Y/N) has study group I'll help you practise." He muttered while jerking his head towards the school library.

"I don't know, this kind of feels like stalking." Ethan hissed when the found you surrounded buy books you were reading from.
"Just see what books (Y/N) is reading, listen to the conversations people have with them and learn." Aiden muttered as his brother glanced at you again.
By the time you left the library he'd learnt enough to hold a long conversation with you later that night, feeling confident he skipped his last class to get ready to meet you.

"Ethan." You said as you approached the dinner he'd said he'd meet you at.
"Hey, thanks for coming." He flinched and you could hear him muttering under his breath.
"I said I would." You chuckled.
"You want to order food?" He asked quickly.
"Sure, so... I'm actually pretty nervous." You laughed.
"Me to." Ethan let out a sigh of relief.
The two of you laughed and chatted, the awkwardness slowly fading away, eventually you both decided to head home. Ethan walked with you, hesitating when he got to your front door.
"Night." He said quickly giving you an awkward hug.
"I'll see you at school." You said with a smile. "I have a study class if you want to come with me."
"Yeah I'd love that." Ethan mumbled.
When he made his way back to his bike Aiden was lent against it, a smug grin on his face, making Ethan growl under his breath.
"That was the worst date I've ever seen, luckily for you (Y/N) likes you." Aiden joked.

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