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These scars on my body will never fade away
And each day they remind me of how i bottled up the pain.
I remember each one,
Down to the day.
Every time I look at them I relive the shame.
The memories I locked away still haunt me in my sleep.
They don't want me to move on because then they'd have to leave.
What good is pain without misery?
The secrets of my fractured soul are secrets only kept from me.
I never even stood a chance.
You made sure I wouldn't leave.
Now I'm only left with questions that will never have an answer.
I was never cruel enough to give in and ask her.
I can see the pain you hold,
But it really doesn't matter.
A mistake is only acceptable if it doesn't continue in pattern.
You'll never know the true extent of the tragedies I've endured.
It was always there in front of you,
But easily ignored.
I hate that I'm still haunted by choices that I never got to make.
I tried so hard to tell myself that it wouldn't always be this way.
But after so long, there's a limit to the suffering that one person can take.
Now that it's all over for you,
You think I'm doing okay.
Deeper wounds take longer to heal and they never go away.
Just because you couldn't face reality,
doesn't mean it wasn't over for me.
I'll never find peace or closure,
This circle we keep going in will never really be over.
Years of cracks added to a broken heart have finally surfaced and shattered.
And in the light they'll show a life of someone who should have mattered.

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