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*(This one is pretty long but worth the read, in my opinion.)*

Tears ran down her face as she asked him "What's your number one priority?"
He told her "You'll always be the most important part of me."
She said she wasn't ready for things to take a turn again.
He said "Baby, don't worry. I promise I'll be different and you won't have to
hurt again."

He failed to comprehend that this time she wasn't afraid of losing him.
She was scared she'd lose herself again,
Like she did when happiness was just pretend.
Fears so deep that she was slowly drowning in them.
She knows that it's not over yet.
But she's terrified of how this game will have to end.
He gave her a choice but then he took it away.
He had no plans to ever change.
He was smart enough to know that making her an addict too,
Would be the only way to make her stay.
She told him she didn't want to leave,
But he could feel her eyes searching for a way to escape if she ever needed.

His eyes were hollow as he lit that flame.
She pretended not to notice as she whispered "it's okay"
Breathing in that smoke that she had finally gotten free from,
It felt like heaven in her lungs so she knew it wasn't going to be long.
She could already feel his mistakes from that year
Creeping up in her veins,
Laughing in her ears.
He started making those promises that he used to break everyday.
Slowly her smile started fading away.
Hallucinations and paranoia began taking place.
Day after day she prayed for things to change.
He was getting worse
As she was fighting the urge.
She wanted it to stop,
But he couldn't get enough.
There was a darkness in his eyes now and she had seen it before.
Even though he'd never admit it out loud,
She knew exactly what they were headed for.
Her heart was failing to stay in one piece,
While he was rapidly losing sight of reality.
She cried until her eyes were numb.
Hating who he had let her become.

She told him she was scared of this.
That's why she wanted no part in it.
He brought her in to play with his demons without protecting her from the consequence.
Now she's falling to her knees as she's fighting off the side affects.
She told him that he had broken his promise again.
Her words choked the ribs that her heart was caged in.
There's not enough drugs in the world to numb the pain that she should have felt.
He had taken all of the beauty in her soul and replaced it with his guilt.
She said "look me in the eyes and be honest."
Though in her heart she felt they had become something close to platonic.
She asked him "What's your number one priority?"
His face turned cold as he replied "I'm sorry."

She said she wasn't ready for things to take a turn again.
He should've seen it coming from the chapters in between the end.
Now all that is left are faded memories from pages that never should have been.
He was too caught up in his high to make an attempt to pay closer attention to them.

I asked you "What's your number one priority?"
You wouldn't have to hesitate if the answer still included me.
There's no use at trying again,
You fell in love with being a tragedy.
This is how you let the story end.
I'm gonna pay the price but at least I'll be free.
I should've seen it coming all along.
I was never really your priority.
Deep down I think you knew that I would never be able to be the only thing that you need.
You let us die and you erased our memory.
You let your addiction take the place of me.

She asked him "What's your number one priority?"
The silence means it's time to leave.

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