Chapter 3

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I've been stretching on the field for a little while when I see a girl my age with light brown hair that's held back in a pony tail walk toward me. Huh, I've never seen this girl before. As she gets closer I notice she is pretty and has a slim figure.

"Hi." she says as she stops in front if me.

"Hi." I answer back. I look down and notice she is wearing shin guards and cleats like me. "Are you here for tryouts?"

She smiles happily and says, "Yup. I just moved here from a town near by. We just got here yesterday afternoon so I hope the coach won't penalize me for missing a tryout..."

I shrug. "Um, she might, but only because she is a hard ass. If you are decent I wouldn't worry though, we need some good players. We lost over half our starters last year." I say to her. She smiles.

"Good, I think I will be able to make the team then. What position do you play?" she asks and sits down next to me to stretch her legs out.

"I'm center forward." I say with a smile. I love that position, it gives me so many choices to do so many things.

"Oh that's awesome." she says. "I play left wing because I'm a lefty. It just works out better for everyone that way." I laugh.

"You should be fine then, our left wing now is a sophomore. She's the only left wing we have besides the one that graduated last year. She's okay, but she isn't amazing." I say. She smiles and stands.

"Good. I hope that helps my chances considering I missed a day of tryouts." she says and offers me a hand. I gratefully grab it and she helps me stand up. I look behind her and see my coach coming out along with other soccer players.

"Come on, I will talk to coach with you. I'm sure she will give you a fair chance." I say with a laugh.

"Thanks so much!" she says happily. "I'm Tori by the way."

"Nice to meet you Tori, I'm Evelyn, but you can just call me Ev."


"Okay girls that's enough for today." Coach Shelly yells then blows her whistle. we all run into a huddle around coach and she pulls out a clip board. "Now I think I have a general idea on who I want starting and who's going to be cut from the team. I just need tomorrow to make my final decisions. Well rest up and I will see you tomorrow girls." She dismisses us and we disperse, I head over to my bag and I'm still panting.

"Good job out there Ev, you're definitely going to be starting center field." I hear Tori say from behind me. I turn around to see her panting just like me.

"Thanks, I hope so. You did really good out there too. You looked like you've played a lot before." I say with shock. It's true, she was absolutely amazing. She was running circles around our defense and scored so many times. I'm pretty impressed.

"Yeah, I played on a couple of club teams back in my other town." She says and grabs her water, chugging it. My mouth is so dry that I do the same thing.

When we are done drinking. I grab my bag and start to walk over to the football field. That's where Rosie will be. She wanted to see all the boys try out.

"Wait are you going to the football field?" Tori shouts. I turn around mid stride.


"Do you mind if I tag along? Some of the boys on the team have to drive me home so I have to wait for their tryouts to end." She grabs her bag and hurries up to walk next to me.

"Sure thing. I'm going to meet up with my friend Rosie who has to drive me home. But I kind of want to watch my friend Jason finish tryouts." I say. I'm sure he would want me to come watch him when my tryouts ended. He loves having an audience.

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