Chapter 14

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"Okay girls that's enough for today. Practice is over." Coach Shelly yells and hurries us off the field. Apparently she has an appointment that she absolutely can't be late for so she's kicking us off as fast as possible.

I jog over to my bag and gulp down some of my water. "Tough practice today huh?" Tori asks from behind me.

I wipe off some sweat from my forehead and nod. It's crazy, coach had us do so many running drills today. My lungs are killing me.

"She absolutely went crazy out there. I'm glad I didn't eat much at lunch today or else I would have puked it all up..." I say and take a couple deep breathes. I'm still panting from earlier.

Tori laughs. "Same. Ugh now I have to wait for stupid guys-football to be over." She says. That reminds me. Jason and Ralf had to skip practice today. It was a mandatory training day for the people who have shifted. I hope their coach doesn't get pissed at them for that...

I look into the parking lot and see that Rosie isn't out there with José... Of course she chooses to be late today out of all days. I suppose the only thing I can do is wait.

"Hey I can come watch them with you. Rosie isn't here yet so I have time to spare." I say.

Her eyes brighten. "Really? You will come?" I nod. "You're amazing!"

We gather our stuff and head out to the football field. This field is so nice. I love it when we get to play our soccer games here. It is turf so it's prepared for all fall sports to play on it. Unfortunately, only the varsity soccer teams get the chance to play on the football field though. Honestly, I'm fine with that because I'm on varsity...

Sometimes they even let us play at night, under the lights. Those are the only times people actually go out of their way to come watch our soccer games. I mean who can resist a game on such a nice football field at night? Well actually a lot of people can still resist, but we at least get like fifteen fans on the stands.

We make it onto the bleachers. Sitting down on the cool slick surface causes me to sigh in relief. It feels great on my hot skin.

"So why isn't Rosie here?" Tori asks me. I shrug.

"That's a good question. She's usually either here on time or early. I don't know why she isn't here yet... It's weird. Maybe I should text her?" Tori nods her head. I rummage through my bag and pull out my phone. I see a message from Jason on the screen. I open it and it says:

'Hey Ev, funny story. I was talking to Rosie before I went out to do training. Then she suddenly started her first change. Funny right...? Anyways. She can't come pick you up, she is running around the woods. Could you catch a ride with someone? If not text me and I can come get you. '

Of course. She changes now out of all times. When both Ralf and Jason aren't here... I can't believe she changed though. It seems unreal.

"Rosie just had her first shift." I say to Tori astonished. Her jaw drops.

"No way? She had her first shift today? That's amazing!" I nod. "You don't look happy for her?" She asks me questioningly. Shit! I should be happy, this is amazing! I shake off the sad feelings lingering in my chest and I smile.

"I was just shocked, it's going to be weird that she changed. An exciting weird, but weird."

"Yeah, but shifting is amazing. She's going to love it so much." I'm sure she will... I would love it too... "So how are you going to get home?" She asks.

I shrug. "Well Jason and Ralf had pack training today so they didn't come to practice... So I might text Jason to come get me later."

"Nonsense!" Tori shouts. Just then the football coach blows the whistle and all the guys start heading in to get changed. "You can come home with Gavin, Seth and me. We will drop you off at the pack house." I feel my heart beat quicken.

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