Chapter 24

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"I don't know if they told you, but my ability is speed." Leonardo says cockily as he hands me a bow, quiver, and arrows.

I throw the quiver over my shoulder and follow him out to the targets. This ought to be fun....

"No they never mentioned it." I say. He turns to me and smirks.

"It's pretty cool. Not many people have the ability, but I can do a lot with it. It helps me in races especially. Haven't lost a race ever in my life, you know. Not even to Wesley. He also has the speed ability." I look at him and feign an impressed expression. It's like he cheated, why would I be impressed with that? But the fact that he never lost is pretty cool, I guess. I just need to act impressed, I don't want to get on his bad side.

"That's awesome." I say as we finally get to the shooting area.

"Yeah. I'm pretty good at archery too." He says. He pulls an arrow out of his quiver and loads it onto his bow. He quickly pulls back, aims at the target then releases it. My eyes follow the arrow as it reaches bulls eye. My mouth falls open. How did he jut do that? He glances over at me and I quickly compose myself.

I mean it can't be that hard if he did it that easily right?

"Your turn."

I nod and pull out an arrow. I load it on the bow and pull back. I aim for the target and release. It quickly flies by the target and lands in a bush next to it. A dove goes flying out shocked from the intrusion of my arrow. Whoops.

"My bad..." I say. He laughs and I look at him. "I've never really shot a bow before..." I say as a slight blush forms on my cheeks.

"I can tell." He says cockily. I look at him with a raised eyebrow. That comment sure as hell didn't impress me. Isn't he supposed to make me like him? "Your form is all wrong. Here."

He takes an arrow from his quiver and walks up to me. He stands behind me and places the arrow in my hand. Then he guides my arm and shows me how to position myself. I have to say, I don't like him standing this close behind me but he does seem to know what he is doing.

"Now you're ready." He says. I look back at the target and aim. "Breathe slowly, then release." He whispers.

I do exactly as he says. When I let go of the arrow it flies across and nails the target right next to the bulls eye.

I did it! I hit the target!

I turn to Leonardo and smile, "Wow I did it!" I cheer, "Thanks so much! Maybe I could be good at this." I add. He laughs.

"If you keep up your form then yes, you will be good at it. It's all about how you handle yourself." He says assured of himself. I nod and give it another go.

The rest of the afternoon goes like this. I've gotten a lot better but I'm not great or anything. I will be training with him again soon, but tomorrow I will be with Kenneth all day because I have hand to hand combat and wolf training.

Right now I am on my way to go meet with Wesley. He has to train me in throwing knives... This should be good. I have terrible hand eye coordination.

As I approach the garage I was told to go to, Wesley pops his head out.

"There you are." He says happily. "Come. Let me show you your choice of knives." He adds excitedly. Well he looks like a boy in a candy shop... I don't know if that's a good thing or if I should be worried by how happy he is over these knives.

I follow him in and he shows me the collection of knives they collected. There are big knives, little knives, long knives, short knives, and a ton that look like stars. I'm getting a little over whelmed so I tell him I like the ones that look like Japanese throwing knives. He gathers them for me and hands me about eight of the same knives. He grabs himself a group of long knives and leads me out to a wooded area.

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