Chapter 5

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Tryouts for soccer are finally over. I managed to make the team and become starting center. Tori also made the team and she's starting left wing. Turns out Coach Shelly really likes Tori and doesn't mind at all that she missed the first day of tryouts. Jason told me that he made the starting offensive line along with Gavin and Seth. While Ralf made the starting defensive line. All in all, things worked out smoothly.

After tryouts Rosie made me go shopping with her... Let me tell you, that girl sure knows how to spend her daddy's cash. She better marry someone rich when she gets older or she is screwed.

Today is the first day of school and I couldn't be less excited. Although we don't really have any beaches or good tanning spots around here, we have the waterfall. I love going there on hot summer days. Now that schools here I have to let go of my fun days of swimming at the waterfall. It's so sad.

"Evelyn Brewer open up your door right this moment!" Rosie yells at me. I frown. Oh god. Rosie is an absolute monster in the morning.

I open the door and she comes storming into my room. Her blonde hair is done perfectly and her makeup looks beautiful. She even made her uniform look perfect by making sure there are no wrinkles. What is she so pissy about then?

"My hair is a mess. Can you believe it?" I look at her confused. Then she points to a little curl that is slightly less curly than the others. "This little guy just won't stay! I've sprayed him so many times and yet he is still not curly." She huffs and plops onto my messy bed. "What do I do?" she asks me.

"Rosie, personally I think your hair looks beautiful. I didn't even notice that curl until you pointed it out. No one will notice it, and if they do it only means that your hair has some character to it." I say with a shrug. That's damn right I'm making her feel awesome. She is a monster in the morning so if I compliment her enough she will be happy and there will be no problems throughout the day.

She smiles brightly and touches her little curl, "You think so?" I nod. "You know I guess he is kind of cute." she says referring to her curl. I laugh.

"He's adorable, now I need to change give me a minute." I say as I grab my uniform and head into my bathroom.

I quickly strip out of my clothes and put on my uniform. Once I finish that I put on a light coat of mascara and leave my straightened hair down. Okay, that's good enough.

I walk out to my room. "Ready to go Rosie?" She nods and walks with me down to the kitchen.

There are people everywhere and I decide to just grab a pop tart out of the cabinet. I don't want to cook anything because there are way to many people in this kitchen right now.

"Hey Ev." I look up and see Ralf.

"Oh hey." I peer around him and see that no one is behind him. Then look back at him. "Where you're new play toy."

He laughs. "Tanya isn't my play toy. I actually like her Ev." I frown at him.

"But she isn't your mate is she." he looks away from me.

"No she's not, but there isn't even a guarantee that you will find your mate in this world, and I actually like Tanya." I roll my eyes.

"Well she's well known for getting around so don't get your heart broken." I say to him. His eyes shoot up and look at something behind me then he looks back into my eyes.

"Same goes for you." he says and walks away. I frown, what the hell is that supposed to mean?

"Hey Ev." I hear Jason say from behind me. I turn around and smile at him.

"Hey Jay. You excited for your first day of senior year?"

"No way in hell. I wish the summer was longer, I want more days to do nothing and hangout in the sun."

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