Chapter 11

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"So where to chief?" Gavin asks from behind me. Hmm, well I need to figure out how I'm going to find Jason's room in the dark. I suppose I could just follow my instincts. I mean I've been to his room so many times that it shouldn't be that hard to find, right?


We have tried walking down and touching all the doors but I can't remember which one is Jason's... I've always remembered the number of his room but I haven't counted how many doors it took to get to his room. It's days like this when I get angry for not having a simple one, two, three numbering system. For some odd reason we number each room according to the number you are assigned when entering the pack. It's like a lunch number at school. The only reason I know my number is because it's my rooms number. There is no order or anything when it comes to the doors in the pack house.

"This is starting to get ridiculous..." Gavin says from behind me. I sigh.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just wish I knew this place better. I can't believe I can't find Jason's room in the dark." I hear a low laugh come from Gavin.

"It's fine Evelyn. Don't worry about it. Let's just try somewhere else." he says.

"Alright." I pull him away from the doors and journey down the hall. Next stop, Rosie's room.

Her room should be easy to find, hers is the fist door on the right on the second floor. I pull Gavin down the hall and to the stair case. I take the first few steps then a huge boom erupts through the house. I freeze and squeeze Gavin's hand. Oh this is so freaky...

"Evelyn?" He asks.

"Yes?" I manage to say.

"You know it's only a thunderstorm right? It can't hurt you." I let out a sigh and loosen my grip on his hand.

"I know... I don't know why, they just terrify me... Sorry lets keep going."

I pull him up the rest of the stairs and walk him to Rosie's door... At least I pray this is her door... This will be so awkward if it isn't her room...

I reach up and knock lightly. I hear a few stumbling feet and the sound of the door opening. I still can't see anything. "Hello?" I hear Rosie says.

"Rosie? It's Evelyn and Gavin. We didn't know where to find you, Tori, Seth or Jason." I hear someone in Rosie's room stumble around and hit something.

"Ow..." a girl's voice mutters. She quickly comes to the door. "Gavin?" she says. Oh it's Tori.

I hear him sigh. "Yes Tori?" He says.

"If the lights don't turn on soon we should probably just sleep in the car for the night. I don't want to get into an accident on the way home." she says.

"Oh you guys can stay here if you want. We have plenty of room." I say quickly. "I don't want you guys sleeping in a car all night."

"Really!" Tori shouts. "That would be fantastic, thank you so much Evelyn."

Just then a blue light flashes through the room but quickly dims. I squeeze onto Gavin's hand again. Then a loud boom sounds.

"Ahhhh!" Tori screams. I feel Gavin stumble back a little. "Gavin this is so scary." I hear Tori mumble from next to me. Tori must be holding onto Gavin. She's scared of thunderstorms too. I slowly let go of Gavin's hand. I don't want to prevent him from comforting her...

"Why don't you guys just come into my room and we can figure out a game plan... I don't know how to get to Jason's room in the pitch black like this..." Rosie says to us.

"Good idea." I place my hand against the wall and feel my way into Rosie's room. I walk toward the bed and then sit on it. I hear the door shut and I assume that the others are in here now too.

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