Chapter 32

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For the past two nights I've been sleep deprived. I can't seem to get the memories of that night out of my head. It's the morning of the ball and I look terrible, my sleepless nights have left me drained of energy and its showing big time. Not to mention how much makeup it takes to cover up this mark.

I let out a frustrated sigh and toss my makeup kit onto the bathroom counter. This is useless. Now Gavin won't even talk to me. Actually he won't even look at me! I don't know what his deal is, he put this mark on me and now he is just neglecting me? Not to mention that every time I see him I feel a strong desire to be next to him. Him ignoring me is just giving me more pain.

Luckily, my scent hasn't changed drastically and no one has noticed the mark because of my amazing make up skills but I feel lonely somehow. I miss Gavin in my bed at night. I miss his presence around me. I'm not sure if I feel this because of the mark or not but I want him back.

I look at the mirror and lightly graze the mark Gavin left on me with my finger tips. It's weird. If I didn't know the way marks worked, then I would have thought it was disappearing.

Sadness creeps into my heart at the thought. It won't disappear will it? Marks don't go away, right? So many questions that I don't know the answers to.

I look at it again. I don't regret it, oddly enough. Something about it feels... right. The only thing that hurts me is how much Gavin regrets it. He doesn't want me to be his. He is only confirming the thoughts I had from a couple of days ago. He will never want me.

I sigh and pick my make up back off the counter. I need to hurry up and cover it before Marla and Stacey come to get me. I have a dress appointment soon and I can't miss it.

I patch up the area and make it look like nothing is there. If you stare at it for long enough you can tell that there's something there, but if you aren't looking for it, you won't see it. That's good enough for me. No one will be looking for it so that's what matters.

I leave my hair in a messy bun and put on a little mascara. I hear a knock on my door and I check my mark one last time. Yup it is covered. I shove the makeup back into the drawer I found it in and march into my bedroom. I open the door wide.

Marla and Stacey are standing there. I see Marla looking at me sympathetically. She walks into the room and looks down at her feet. Stacey follows in behind her and stands by her side.

I decided to get dressed without them because they have been no use to me lately. Marla has been very distant and Stacey is just mean. Marla lets out a sad sigh.

"I'm sorry." She says. I stand there shocked. Wait what?

"You're sorry?" I ask gently. "For what?"

"I have been very neglectful of you and I am sorry." She looks up into my eyes and I see the honesty behind her apology. "I saw you and him." she adds quickly and looks away.

"Saw him and me?" I ask. "What do you mea-"

"On the balcony. The night of the festival. You released a lantern together." She sighs and shakes her head. "I let my jealousy take over and Stacey always backs me up. I'm sorry. You guys don't even talk to each other so I know it was only a friendly gesture. I'm truly sorry." She says.

Pain flashes through my heart as the realization hits me. She's right. It was just a friendly gesture. Gavin knows how alone I am here and because I helped him get his sister back, he is here to get me back. Nothing more than that.

"Thank you." I say quickly. She looks at me shocked for a moment. "I was starting to get lonely without you guys." I say. She smiles.

"Well you don't need to be alone anymore, right Stacey." Stacey looks at me with sorry eyes and nods. I smile.

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