Chapter 10

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I rush into the woods. Sprinting as fast as I can. As I dodge branches, a big rock comes into view. Deciding to continue me path instead of taking a small detour, I jump it. Suddenly a branch I didn't notice before cuts my forehead as I leap over the rock.


I slow down a bit and pay more attention to my surroundings. I don't want anymore mishaps. I try to remember my vision and continue the path I took during it. After a little while my surroundings become more familiar.

I'm close.

In the distance I see four guys. That has to be them! I keep running as fast as I can. I see Jason shift and then Gavin shift.


They jump on one another and start their fighting.

I fly past the trees and make it to them.

"Stop!" I shout. Both wolves ignore my yelling and continue to fight.

I look at Ralf and then at Seth. They both look at me with worried eyes.

"How can you guys just stand there! Make them stop fighting." I yell.

I hear a whimper come from the lumpy mess of the two wolves ripping at each other. I don't know who whimpered but I felt my heart break a little. How can they be fighting each other?

Suddenly Gavin kicks Jason hard. He goes flying and ends up slamming against a tree. Gavin slowly approaches Jason and lets out a vicious snarl.

No, he needs to stop!

I run up to where Jason is. I stand firmly in front of his injured wolf.

Gavin stops in his track. Slowly he lifts his head up.

"Gavin you need to stop. Jason is hurt. Please don't do this." I say.

I see his eyes begin to lighten as I try to calm him. Revealing his normal grey color to me. Thank god, he is starting to get control of himself again.

I hear a rustle from behind me. Letting my guard down, I turn and notice Jason. He is trying to stand up. Eventually he manages to get to his feet and glares right at Gavin. I frown at him.

"No Jason. This needs to stop." I demand.

He looks at me for a moment. Then he starts to get out of his offensive position. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Evelyn." I hear Seth say. I turn to look at him. "I think you should get out of there..." He says.

"Why? I have this under control." I say. Just then a growl sounds from behind me. I glare at Gavin. "Don't growl, this needs to be over."

"Evelyn, don't tell him what to do..." Seth warns me. I glare at him.

"He needs to know when enough is enough and right now he needs to stop."

I hear another low growl come from Gavin. I see his eyes begin to darken again. Crap, I just got him back to normal too... I take a few steps closer to him. Every step I take, I see him get slightly less defensive. Good, it doesn't appear that he's going to hurt me.

A loud growl erupts from behind me. Great, now what Jason?

"Ev, I don't think Jason wants you to go near Gavin." Ralf says, narrating what I already know. I let out a frustrated growl myself.

"Can you guys stop being so hard to please? You guys need to shift back right now." I look at Ralf. "We probably have a tree around here that we keep some shorts at. Ralf can you go find them?"

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