Gone Too Soon

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A/N: I posted the first 2 chapters of this before, but ending up deleting them. So this is still my first story. Please be honest, but don't rip me at completely. Comment and Vote.

                Fourteen months, I thought into my blanket as I shuddered.

                Fourteen months since he’s been gone and know I have to get out of bed.

I pried myself off the mattress and threw the covers off in frustration with life. I hit down on the snooze button almost a little too hard and flicked on my lamp. I made my way to the bathroom slowly. I clicked the light on in that room also, then walked in.

I ran the shower full blast and stripped off my clothing to get in. I reached for the soap to wash my face. I took my time trying to calm myself into another day. After completely scrubbing my face I moved onto my hair. I shaved my legs, twice, and turned off the water.

I was hit with cool air after I opened the shower curtain and quickly wrapped myself in a towel. I sighed and walked over to the mirror. Wiping the steam away I realized once again what I already knew; I’m nothing special.

I stared at the milky white skinned girl in the mirror. She was tall and leggy, but her exceptional qualities ended there. Her body was curvy and her straight, black hair, which would curl at the ends when dried, flowed far down her back. Her long lashes framed the pale blue of her eyes.

I sighed and slipped on my clothes for work. The low cut, jet black top matched my hair perfectly while the dark blue skinny jeans still seemed off to me. Before I left I made sure to turn off all the lights. Then made my way down stairs.

There was a plate of pancakes sitting on the counter in our kitchen. I walked over to the plate to find a note sitting beside them.  I quickly read it and rolled my eyes.


                Sorry, I left before you were up. I made you pancakes though! Eat them this time. They better not be in the trash when I get back.

                                                                                Love, Chelsea

I began picking at the pancakes and quickly realized I wasn’t hungry. I walked them over to the trash and dumped them in, along with Chelsea’s note. I grabbed my keys and cell phone off the counter and headed to the closet to grab my dark blue sweater and short black, boots.

I raced to my car and sped down the street knowing I’d probably be late if I didn’t. I played with the radio station as I drove to work. After the sixteenth switch I turned off the radio all together because it was simply adding more stress to my day. Just like every other day I couldn’t help, but grimace when I pulled into the parking lot of my job. This was what I get for not going to college, I thought.

The building was rather big for its kind. The outside was gray with a small neon sign in the back next to the door. The walls on the inside were covered in leopard print wallpaper and tiny red lights. To the right was a bar and to the left was the front room to my boss’ office. Inside there were a few tables with a set of three chairs each spread across the room. More chairs crowded around the small stage, in the back of the room with one pole in the middle of it. Behind to stage were two rooms with purple curtains covering them from sight.

I parked and walked into the gentlemen’s club. The first thing I did was search for Chelsea like I did every time she left before I did. I found her back stage next to the other dancers and waved.

Gone Too SoonWhere stories live. Discover now