Movie Night

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A/N:Sorry it's been so long! I'm mad at myself, I promise you. I've been really sick and had tons of test this week though. But I have off next week so I'll get a bunch of chapters done to post.

I scurried passed the gentlemen and into the office. The lights were off and I knew it was safe. I flicked the switch and the lights sputtered on. With a sigh I walked toward the computer and powered it up. As I waited I scanned my desk to find multiple post-its in various colors and shapes stuck across it.

A small, heart shaped, pink one read, ‘Feel better, Lexi. I borrowed your curler too. –XOXO Chelsea.’ I scowled. Of course the accident wouldn’t be her concern. I crumbled the paper and dropped it in the waste basket under my desk.

I skimmed through the rest of them and found most of them to be a basic feel better note. I tossed the ones that didn’t manage to hold my interest. That left only two. A green square one. The person didn’t need to write their name. I knew that post-it and hand writing by heart. Sam wrote a note telling me to take the day off. Injuries are covered with pay. The second note was from Gabe which touched my heart because this place was fifth teen minutes off his route to work.

I left the two notes on the desk and walked out to the bar. I knew Trish wasn’t going to be here that early. She gets the night shift, but I did need something to do. Sam would be in meetings all day preventing me from getting John’s number. I didn’t know his number by heart and I left my phone at home last night.

It was hard for me to believe that John and Trish getting me ready for his prank was merely a night ago. It seemed more like days and meeting Noah again seemed like years. I refused to believe he’d changed so much. I wanted him to be the perfect man again. I wanted him to be the one I dreamed about, but I didn’t love the new Noah I loved the old Noah.

“Hey,” I greeted the bar tender and took a seat on the nearest stool, “Can I have a Coke?”

The girl turned around and looked friendly enough until she narrowed her eyes at me before she barked at me, “No.”

I had no clue what to say. I didn’t know you could deny drinks. As a matter of fact I was positive you couldn't. I knew the rules to this establishment back and forth. That was my job after all.

“Are we out or something?” I asked dazed.


“So what’s the problem?” I failed to see what was wrong.

“I have the right to refuse service,” she tilted her nose up.

“No, you don’t,” I corrected and couldn’t understand what I had done to make her so furious.

“And how would you know?” she crossed her arms.

My jaw dropped. She was Noah’s girlfriend, the one I saw last night. She had to see I hadn’t done anything. She was so bitter. I stared in shocked at her. When I finally managed to pop my jaw back in place she only looked angrier. I felt another strange ping of jealousy and no longer felt the need to be considerate of her.

“I’m Sam’s assistant. I take care of the books, complaints, and I know all of the rules,” I snapped.

“Look,” she pressed the heels of her hands on the edge of the bar and leaned into me, “I’m not serving you.”

“Why not,” I glowered, but leaned into her anyway.

“Because I don’t like you,” she snarled.

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