Falling Asleep With John

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A/N: Okay, so I haven't gotten any comments or votes and that's kind of depressing. Can you guys help me out? Regradless, thanks for the reads.

I raced into my empty house to get out of the cold and place the box onto the coffee table. I pressed the button on the answering machine and walked over to the refrigerator to find myself some munchies, but sadly Chelsea hadn’t stocked up and it looked like I was ordering Chinese food.

Beep- “Hey, Lexi, it’s Chelsea, sorry I didn’t go food shopping just get some money out of the jar and order something. I’m crashing a Cindy’s tonight so don’t worry about my food.”

Beep- “Chelsea, it’s Shaun the other night was fun. Maybe next time it’ll be better? Call me if you want to make plans. My number’s-,” I erased to message quickly. That dirt bag didn’t like Chelsea. He liked parts of Chelsea. She’d call him through. She liked to see the good in men, but would come home crying when I didn’t censor her pickings.

Beep- “It’s John I’m coming over at ten. Delete the message I just left you before you hear it.”

Beep- “Hey, it’s John. Lexi I’m coming over at ten. You should be home by then right? You get off at nine, so I’m assuming… Unless you went out, but then again you don’t go out. Whatever, if you’re not there I’m breaking in and deleting this message. I’d be like a ninja. Bahdahdahdahdaha Batman! Oh crap, what if you are home and get this message?”

Beep- “Lexi? It’s Dan I’ll pick you up at eight thirty on Saturday. The house is about thirty minutes from yours. We should get there at nine or so.”


Huh, that was a first. I got more messages then Chelsea that weren’t work related. I grabbed the phone to order Chinese. I order twice as much than I normally would’ve; I wasn’t sure John had eaten, yet.  After changing into lose tank top and shorts I sat on the couch and waited. The doorbell finally rang and I sprinted in hope that it was my food.

I opened the door to find two men there. One was the Chinese food delivery man which I quickly tipped and paid. The other was John. He was holding a whole pizza. I promptly let him in because it was freezing and I wasn’t sure if his skinny body could handle that.

“Hey,” I smiled and locked the door behind him.

“Hey,” he said eyeing my Chinese food and pouted.

“Thank you for the pizza John. I’ll probably be living on it for the next week or so because Chelsea doesn’t go food shopping that often. She’s always running around with fast food or getting meals for free on dates. Either way I don’t get fed unless she cooks for me in the morning because she feels guilty.”

“Is that why you ordered so much Chinese?” he asked.

“Nope,” I popped the ‘p’ and grinned, “I order some for you too.”

“Thanks,” he beamed and took the Chinese food from me so I could put the pizza in the fridge. “Let’s eat upstairs. I hate eating down here if Chelsea’s not home.”

“Why?” he asked following me to my room, “Are you afraid to be home alone or something?”

“Not exactly, I just rather be upstairs in my own room, but when Chelsea’s home she… acts like Chelsea. She wants me to get out of the house or at least stop mopping in my room.”

I let the door to my room swing open and sat down on my bed. I motioned for John to come sit too by patting my hand on the spot next to me. He shut the door behind him as he walked toward the bed.

Gone Too SoonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ