Making Plans

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The next morning I woke up in Noah’s arms and my alarm blasting. I groaned and moved to get up, but Noah pulled me harder against his chest.

“Stay,” he grumbled. His voice was foggy with sleep.

“I have work,” I sighed.

“Aren’t you still off for injury?”

“No,” I grimaced.

“Could you be?" he grinned with humor. His eyes were still closed and he looked adorable while he stroke my hair. I almost couldn’t leave him.

“Noah,” I warned.

He opened his eyes and stopped stroking my hair, “Fine, you have to work.”

“I’m going to get dressed,” I sat up and motioned for him to follow.

“You’re kicking me out?” he narrowed his eyes.

“I don’t want you to see me change,” I whispered and blushed.

He smirked, “I’ll wait in the bathroom.”

I stuck him in the bathroom for the rest of my morning routine. It was just easier than sending him in and out all the time. I was finally presentable when I realized Noah was going to have to take the window out.

“You’re kidding,” he stated bluntly looking down at the ground.

“Sorry Chelsea can’t know you’re here,” I smiled sympathetically.

He nodded, inhaled, and began to shimmy down the tree.

I didn’t have the nerve to ask him why he had finally decided to come over last night. In fact we really hadn’t talked all that much, we just enjoyed each other’s company. I didn’t know if I could tell John or Sam. We didn’t make plans for later. I didn’t even have his phone number to make plans. But having Noah back was nice all the same.

I shut the window and went to leave for worked. I greeted Chelsea quickly on my way out the door. She waved absent mindedly as she ate. I grinned slightly as I drove to work. I passed the bitchy bartender and the sleeze balls that came in at eleven am to make it to my desk.

“Hey Sam,” I beamed and entered his office.

“What’s with the morning cheer Lexi?” he asked with humor, “Did your date with Gabe go well?”

My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach. I had completely forgotten about Gabe. It had just felt so good to have Noah back that at the time Gabe didn’t seem to matter. I felt sick and needed to sit down. I pulled the chair across from his desk and sat myself down.

“What’s wrong?” he asked worried as he shut the door.

“I forgot about Gabe. Noah came over last night and we… I don’t know what we did,” I sighed.

“I don’t know what that means,” worry lines appear on his forehead and it reminded me I had to pull myself together.

“We we’re going to do it, but then he found out I was a virgin and said he needed to take me out first,” I grimaced. I loved Sam, and told him everything, but this conversation was a little odd.

He shifted a little, “Well do you still think of yourself as his ball and chain?”

“No,” I answered automatically and without thought.

“So go on the date,” he shrugged.

“But I’m dating Gabe?”

“You can date two people at once. God knows they both have in the past and don’t be afraid to bring that up,” he saw my hesitant look and sighed, “Look, you’ll never be able to choose unless you date both of them any. It doesn’t have to be for years, just give it a week or so.”

I nodded, “Thanks.”

“Anytime,” he smiled and turned back to his computer.

I walked out of his office and shut the door to see Gabe standing there with a bunch of paper work.

“Hey,” he lifted the stack of papers up when he noticed me starring, “tax season.”

“Oh,” I grinned and walked over to him.

“We didn’t get a chance to make plans last night," he reminded me.

"Unfortunately," I grimaced.

He smirked slightly, “Are you telling me you like dating?”

“I like dating you,” I blushed slightly.

He leaned down and kissed me, then pulled back. I frowned and he laughed. “How about Saturday night?”

“It’s a date,” I smiled and he kissed me again.

“Hey, love bird,” Sam called, “My taxes aren’t going to wait for you to make out with Lexi.”

“Bye,” he whispered in my ear and shut the door to Sam’s office behind him.

I took a deep breath, counted to ten, then got ready to work. I hadn’t been working five minutes when Noah came in, “Hey, Lexi.”

“Hey,” I smiled and stood up to greet him. He pulled me in from a kiss and I almost melted into him.

With Gabe in the next room.

I’m such a bad person.

A/N: Hope you liked it. I tried to get this one a little longer than the last one's because one page is pathetic and I had more time to write now. Anyway, comment and vote!

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