Against My Better Judgement

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A/N: I been addicted to Friends lately and really didn't want to pull myself from the TV, but I decided I had to upload for my readers. If I have any. Comment and vote!

My alarm beeped at eleven to my great displeasure. I was about to turn it off when a large hump under the cover next to me groaned.

“Ah!” I screamed and feel onto the floor.

“What?” John popped up from under the covers alarmed.

“Nothing,” I panted and shut off the alarm. “Like I said last night I’ve never slept with anyone. I’m not used to other people waking up in my bed too.”

He nodded, “Sorry I accidently terrified you.”

“I was not terrified,” I proclaimed.

“What to fight about it?” he asked while he wiggled his fingers in a tickling manner.

“No, fine I was terrified!”

“Much better.”

“Lexi?” I heard Chelsea calling from the hallway, “We’re leaving in twenty minutes be ready.”

I shook my head baffled, “Sorry, where are we going?”

I heard her groaned and then my door fly open, “I already told you about a hundred times. Girls’ day, remember? I swear if your head wasn’t-,” she stopped dead in the middle of her sentence and looked at the scene in front of her and her eyes widened.

Suddenly I realized how this looked. My legs were sprawled in front of me and my arms were behind my back propping me up. My tank top was falling low down my neckline as John was across from me screeching on my bed in only his pants. He sleeps shirtless; new fact.

“We did not have sex!” I screamed.

“I know that!” John screamed back.

“Then what is going on in here?” Chelsea stuttered baffled.

“We feel asleep eating Chinese food,” he shrugged.

“Okay?” she asked and I confirmed with a nodded.

“Bye John,” I stood up.

“I didn’t even have sex and I still have to do the walk of shame?” he whined.

“Didn’t you hear Chelsea? Girls’ day,” I gestured with my arm.

“Goodbye,” he stated dramatically.

“Hey, want to use the branch?” I cocked my head toward the window and winked.

At first he didn’t understand, but then his brain clicked as he remembered our conversation last night, “Yes, I want to use the branch.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

We walked to the window and I let it swing in, which John approved of.

“It swings inward? Damn it Lexi you have got to get some freaking men in here!”

“Yeah, yeah,” I said dismissively.

He climbed onto the branch and quickly crawled down. He landed on the side yard completely unhurt. I was beginning to get the feeling he had done that a lot. Before I had the chance to close and lock the window he screamed at me. “I hate you, Lexi. If you don’t start bringing guys up that way, I’ll start bringing girls.”

“I don’t think it works the same way,” I beamed down at him.

“Bye, Lexi.”

“Bye, John,” I waved then locked the window shut.

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