Noah's Stare

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A/N: Oh gosh, this is short and I very sorry. but there's a huge thing revealed about Lexi and Noah so I hope that makes up for it.

“So you two used to date?” Dan asked.

We stood in the kitchen while the rest of them argued over movies. I took a small sip of my water then nodded solemnly. He frowned and with a sighed set down his drink.

“Lexi, I’m sorry. I can’t date my friend’s ex-girlfriend.”

“No,” I laughed a little, “It would’ve been really weird.”

“So friends?” he asked through we both knew we probably wouldn’t see each other much from here on out.

“Friends,” I beamed anyway.

Sealing the deal with a hug we pulled away to see Noah starring at us. I blushed slightly when he cleared his throat uncomfortably.

“We picked a movie.”            

Dan and I nodded then proceeded to follow Noah into the living room where everyone else was waiting. John patted the seat next to him. Dan and I obeyed and squashed into the love seat with John. The movie was slipped in and the “Paramount” mountain showed up. Noah shut off the lights and came to sit down.

I was in the middle of the love seat and John put a bowl of popcorn on my lap. The boys freely stuck their hands near my crotch to grab the food which made both Noah and I a little uncomfortable. The way Noah was staring. I couldn’t focus the entire movie. All that I thought about was Noah staring at me and Dan. He continued to keep a watchful eye on us. It made me shiver. He kept having that effect on me. One person should not be able to do this to me. But Noah was always special in that way.

Mine and Noah’s relationship was not one that could be explained easily. We had spent so many nights together, shared so many kisses and stories, and then one day it was all gone. And I never told a soul why. Apart from Sam, but I couldn’t avoid telling Sam the truth.

Noah’s 19. He was born December 20th 1991 and just made the cut off for the grade above me. I’m 19 and my birthday’s December 30th 1991. Two months after he graduated I broke up with him. I wanted him to explore what he wanted. I didn’t want to be his ball and chain.

So my misery over Noah is my own fault.

Soon enough the lights flickered on again and the crowd began to leave. The group disintegrated until it was only John, Dan, Noah, and me left. You could cut the tension with a knife. John, as always when a situation between Noah, another man, and I ocurred, was suppressing a laugh. He looked cocky for some unknown reason and I didn’t think that helped Noah with his new feelings towards Dan.

“Well,” I prolonged the silence and then finished my sentence, “It’s been fun.”

“Yeah,” Dan said awkwardly, “Bye.”

“See you, John,” I waved.

“Bye,” he grinned.

“Bye Noah,” I said almost sadly and regretted it immediately.

“Yeah, whatever,” he walked into the kitchen.

Dan gave me a questioning look and I just shrugged. I didn’t know Noah anymore. He used to be fun and thrilling and sweet. Now he was cynical and hurtful and angry. He was so angry and for what? I had done nothing. My patience was wearing thin with him and I knew a few more encounters and I would break.

A/N: Well? Did it make up for the shortness of the chapter? Comment and Vote. Oh and if you're friends with any other Wattpadians reccomend this sorry for me? Pretty Please.

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