A First

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“You’re dating Noah?” John asked lying down next to me on his bed after removing everything but his boxers. He passed me the bowl of popcorn and lowered the volume a little.

“And Gabe,” I nodded.

“And I can’t tell either of them?”

“Nope,” I said popping the ‘p’.

“Why’d you tell me then?”

I sprang up and slapped him lightly on the chest. “You begged me to tell you for ten minutes!”

He rolled his eyes and opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Noah coming through his door.

“Hey, John, can I borrow- Lexi?” he stopped midsentence.

“No, Lexi’s mine sorry,” he sat up and dramatically threw me behind his back, “Just try to take her.”

I giggled and sat up, “Hey, Noah.”

“Hey. Lexi, can I talk to you for a minute?” he asked.

“Sure,” I stood up to follow him into his room. He closed the door behind us and I leaned against it.

“You know, I’ve never been in your room before,” I pondered. I had looked into it however and noticed a few changes. The lights were on and that brightened the room a little bit. The bras were cleared off the floor completely. I didn’t see one of them.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming over?” he asked.

“I figured I’d see you here if you were going to be here,” I shrugged.

“I would’ve could home sooner if I knew you were here,” he said sounding almost worried.

“You didn’t have to I was with John.”

“I know,” he growled.

And then the thought clicked in my mind; He was jealous of John. I laughed.

“What?” he asked momentarily unconcerned with the pervious subject.

“You’re jealous of John,” I laughed again.

“Shh!” he yelled.

I gasped and then laughed harder, “You actually are jealous?”

He came at me suddenly, forcing my body between his and the door. He held my hands and played with them before taking a deep breath in and then letting it out. This sobered me up.

“Why are you jealous of John?” I asked curiously.

“Because his hanging out with you, in his boxers, and you’re not with me,” he pouted.

I giggled a little at how cute he was, which he didn’t seem to like, “John is my friend and if you want to hang out with me you can.”

“Great, let’s hang out,” he grinned.

“I was hanging out with John…” I trailed off uncomfortably.

“Fine,” he groaned.

“See you in the morning," I smiled to try and make him feel better

“You’re sleeping over?” he asked angrily.

“Yes,” I said in a warning tone, “I’ll see you in the morning.”

I went to opened to door, but he quickly pulled me back into his arms. “Nope, once John falls asleep you’re mine,” he smirked.

“Deal,” I kissed him.

                                 ****Later that night****

John snored lightly by my side. The time on the clock was five pass one and I wondered if Noah was still up. If I didn’t at least try though I’d never hear the end of it. I moved his arms off of me and slipped out of his bedroom trying to make as little noise as possible. I shut the door quietly and slipped into Noah’s room. He was asleep. I sighed.

He sprang up to stare at me. I jumped and my heart raced. He hadn't been a light sleeper before.

“Hey,” he whispered and patted the empty bed next to him.

I walked over and cuddled into him. He leaned down to kiss me. I kissed him back more intensely and moved my hand up his shirt. I think he got the idea of where I was headed with this. He had taken me out on a date already. He pulled my shirt up half way, waited, and when I didn’t protest took the whole thing off. He moved on top of me and kissed me once more. I stripped off his basketball shorts and threw them across the dark room. He pulled off the sweat pants I borrowed from John- which I’m positive he wasn’t happy about.

Again we were left in our underwear. He looked down at my body, bit his lip then back up at me. “You sure about this?”

I nodded and trailed my fingers down his back until they reached his boxers. I quickly pulled them down. I thought of it like ripping off a band aid. Which is not how one should picture that, but I continued anyway. Once they were down and I was staring up at his naked body I gulped. He saw that and laughed a little, but said nothing. He undid my bra and threw it away. He did the same with my underwear.

His eyes widened when he took in my body and he reached in his side draw for a condom. I breathed in and braced myself. This was going to be a first.

A/N: Hope you guys liked it! I'm kind of mad my chapters keep getting shorter, but I hope they're getting more interesting at least :) . Comment and vote!

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