My First Instinct

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A/N: Okay, so I was really depressed tonight and writing this helped me feel better. Comment and vote :3

“I don’t know why you’re so against this,” he whispered and grabbed a hold of my waist; he was a gentleman to his dates. Even if they were fake.

I didn’t respond. He had cut me off by leaning down next to my ear and spoke low, “There he is.”

The man stood with his back turned to us in the parking lot that was mostly empty. He appeared to be searching for something. He was in a casual suit, so was John- I hadn’t noticed that until now. From just his back I could tell he was toned and in shape, tall too. His hair was dark brown with highlights and messy in the back, but the front seemed to be straight. It was similar to John’s.  From the little skin I saw on his hands and neck he was fair skinned.

“Hey,” John called.

“Finally, where were you? Who’s this girlfriend?” the man spun around.

I knew that voice, I thought. We came to a dead halt in front of him and I finally looked away from the black pavement. He’d changed his hair and had grown a tad taller. He’s eyes were still the same chocolate brown I’d fallen in love with however.

I felt my jaw drop a little. My first instinct was not to touch him, or kiss him, or hit him. Those were privileges that had been taken away. So my first instinct was to mumble into my hair, "Of course John would know him."

“What?” Noah asked.

“Noah, this is Lexi. Lexi-,” John begun, but was cut off when Noah growled, “I know who she is.”

I was taken aback. Did he really hate me that much? He didn’t even want to see me? I hadn’t done anything to him. He was the one who broke my heart and he was the one who left me one year ago. I wasn’t normally an angry person, but that was too much. I hadn’t done anything wrong. Not now and not then. Noah had no right to be the angry one.

“You know her,” he blinked. I gasped a little at the way he lied. John lied. He knew Noah and I knew each other and how we knew each other.

I got calm all of a sudden. I got numb. There was no way in hell I was going to enjoy sitting through a dinner with those two.

“Yes, I know her,” he repeated his furious tone.

“How?” John pressed with a wicked grin.

“It doesn’t matter how,” I suddenly jumped in and tugged on John’s hand, “Let’s eat.”

“Come on, Noah,” he said a little baffled at my lack of reaction shown.

We walked to our table in utter silence. The first words spoken since the parking lot were our orders.

“How did you two meet?” Noah asked confused and angry.

“She works for my dad,” John snickered when he realized what that implied.

Noah’s eyes widened and he stuttered, “You’re a str-stripper?”

“No,” I snapped, “I’m Sam’s secretary.”

“Why does a strip club owner need a secretary?” he accused in disbelief.

“Complaints mostly,” I sighed. That was not the conversation I imagined having with Noah if we ever met again.

“But Sam’s secretary was supposed to be old,” he gawked.

“I’m younger than you,” I reminded him.

The waiter stopped to give us our drinks then quickly went way. Maybe he noticed the palpable tension. Noah had a coke sitting in front of he, he refused to touch it. John had a sprite; he was drinking it like he’d never have liquids again. With the way this group was headed he well very may have not.

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