Fundamentally Screwed Up Man User

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Of course I had to agree to trade my Sunday night shift for a morning one. At least Chelsea and I got to go in together; however I was pretty sure she still didn’t want to talk to me. I walked into the strip club and spotted Courtney- according to Gabe- at the bar. I didn’t want to argue with her this early, but I was thirsty.

“Hey,” I said sitting on the bar stool with a friendly smile hopping she forgot about me now that she had Noah back, “Can I have a Coke?”

She nodded happily and passed it to me. I wanted her happy enough to get me a drink not so happy. I still didn’t like her.

“What’s up with you?” I asked.

“I had a fun time last night with Noah,” she smiled ruefully.

“Careful,” I warned sarcastically, “People might think you slept with him if you talk like that.”

“I did,” she beamed when I spit out my drink then finished her sentence, “not.”

I narrowed my eyes at her, “You’re such a bimbo.”

“At least I’m not a fundamentally screwed up man user,” she retorted and crossed her arms.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I gritted my teeth.

“Noah and Gabe,” she scoffed, “talk about being a bimbo.”

I gasped, “Hey, listen-!”

“Courtney, Lexi,” Sam came up behind me, “Follow me to my office.”

I nodded and both of us followed quietly behind. I shut the door and the three of us sat down.

“What’s up with the two of you?” he asked not caringly, but not annoyed either somewhere in between the two.

Courtney remained silent so I blurted out, “Noah.”

Sam laughed lightly for a second then looked at me, “You’re fighting with someone over Noah?”

“You don’t know what happened after I came to talk to you,” I mumbled.

“We’re not fighting over him,” Courtney corrected, “I already have him. We’re fighting about him.”

“You don’t have him,” I rolled my eyes.

She glared at me, about to say something but Sam interrupted, “It’s a stupid thing to be arguing about.”

I sighed and Sam glanced at Courtney, “Can you give us a minute?”

She grinned evilly, probably thinking I was about to get in trouble, and left.

“What happened?” he asked.

I recapped the latest between me, Noah, and Gabe for what seemed like forever. I couldn’t believe Sam was still listening. How could anyone ever not like that man? I thought.

“You slept with him?” he asked and I nodded.

“Then he went out with Courtney because he thought you were going out with Gabe?” I nodded again.

Sam rolled his eyes, “I think it’d be better if I didn’t give you any advice,” he concluded.

“What?” I asked astonished.

“Go take Chelsea on a lunch break or something,” he sighed.

I nodded automatically and went to go find her.

“Chels?” I asked behind the stage.

“Yes?” she asked walking up to me.

“Sam’s giving us a lunch break now. Do you want to go out?”

She looked at me like I was crazy, but then nodded. “Yeah, let’s get some damn French fries,” she giggled.

I laughed as we began to talk on the way to the fast food place. We ordered then parked in the lot with our food, not wanting to actually get into the restaurant, if you could call it that. I don’t think ‘Would you like that super-sized for seventy nine cents?’ counts as fine dining.

“So,” I trailed off after laughing for so long, “Why did you write the note?”

“What,” her eyes got wide, “You didn’t even read it and you were mad?”

“I just- well you knew how much that name terrified me,” I stuttered to come up with a good way to explain the real reason.

“I knew what John was going to do, remember?” once I nodded she continued, “I knew you weren’t ready for that and you wouldn’t listen to me if I told you… so I wrote you a note to remind you of why you and Noah broke up to begin with. And why you should stay broken up.”

It just then occurred to me that Chelsea and I hadn’t talked about mine and Noah’s new relationship at all, or at all really. I never told her about it. For all she knew I was still dating Gabe. All of these things felt so old, and long ago to me. They’d be brand new to Chelsea. It was also time to be honest about why Noah and I broke up. Before it would’ve just been too hard to explain why I’d break up with a man who meant so much to me.

“Chelsea, we have a lot of catching up to do,” I stated.

A/N: Oh, this is so short. I'm really sorry it's a filler chapter. But I was thinking about doing Noah's POV later. Yes? No? Comment, Vote, Fan, and follow me @katiebarakarth on twitter for updates.

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