Anxiety 43 - Story time

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I turned the TV off before turning on the sofa to face Matt it was finally time that we had that conversation. I took a deep breath before launching into my story

"I had recently moved to the States when I met Andy" I started looking at the floor refusing to make eye contact with Matt as I told the story of how I came to have such a horrible agent. "I had already secured my role in Grimm thanks to the help of my agent back home so by this point I was already living with David as he was one of my only cast mates at the time looking for a roommate. This living arrangement made my move more permanent and with this change meant a change in agent. My agent back home was a part of a global management company so it made sense for me to stay within their ranks. Anyway it's incredibly hard for me to get an agent due to my crippling anxiety making me a hard client to work with or so I've been told and it turns out Andy was the only one willing enough in the American branch of the agency to take me on, something he likes to remind me all the time when I argue with him over things." I took a breath catching a glance at Matt who wore an unreadable expression before continuing on with my tale

"Our discussions didn't use to end with me having a panic attack it's only in recent years as he started getting unbearable, in the past he use to accept that I wouldn't work during my time away from Grimm as it would make me uncomfortable and my anxiety would just not let me. However around about the end of season three he started pushing me telling me it would be good for my career and honestly I've lost track of the amount of times David's come in to find me having a panic attack, Andy's caused one so bad that I've had to be hospitalised and still I keep him as an agent probably because I'm an idiot but this has been the first time he's accepted a role for me without my consent" I finished talking our tale coming to an end as I looked up and made a conscience effort to look at Matt properly pulling my attention away from the now cold cup of tea that was sitting on his coffee table

"Oh baby" he breathed out a sad look on his face as he pulled my slightly trembling form into a well needed hug "it's ok" I let out a trembling breath that matched my shaking form as Matt offered me comfort.

I wiped my eyes ridding my cheeks of my traitorous tears, I've wasted enough tears over Andy I wasn't going to waste any more. With the tears dealt with I allowed myself to melt into Matt's embrace burying my face into his chest listening to the soothing sound of his heartbeat "love you" I murmured quietly into his chest a content smile on my face

"Love you too Remy bear" Matt kissed the top of my head before leaning back against the sofa bringing my cradled form back with him "now come on I want to continue our Netflix day"

"Fine but I get to chose the next show"

Matt fake whined "but you chose the last show"

"Suck it up and deal with it" I sassed a happy grin on my face as we settled back into our earlier mood my situation with Andy just a little blip in the distance.

"Why do I put up with this abuse?" Matt joked a small smile playing at the corner of his lips

"Because you love me"

"Its a good thing I do" Matt spoke squeezing my sides gently

"Now come on lover boy I want to watch Arrow"


"Yes seriously again"

I pressed play the opening sequences of the start of season 3 lighting up the screen as me and Matt continued cuddling on the sofa enjoying each other's company.


A/N hi guys! Come read another mediocre chapter! I'm getting really good at those I'm sorry but I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyway we had a bit of sadness and a bit of cuteness coming from our favourite couple Rett. Hopefully this chapter was enough to warrant some commenting and voting love you guys.

Hundredlovers xox

P.S still don't own anyone apart from Remy  

Anxiety ~ Matthew DaddarioWhere stories live. Discover now