Chapter 1

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Woo! Here is the first chapter of shifted hope you enjoy... shout out for swagger_horan for being my first comment! Comment, message me! Any ideas are welcomeJ. On a more serious note the boys wont be appearing in this chapter but will be soon to come!

My tail flicked and swished slightly as I hid between the two wheeliebins as I attempted to muffle the sounds of my rumbling stomach. I wont be surprised if my stomach soon digests its self. I need food I haven't eaten properly in around two weeks. Two weeks.

The last meal I had was at the lab no matter how bland and rubbery the food was at least if filled my stomach. And with me being part tiger causes me to meat and I mean need meat.

I must have jumped about a mile in the air when I heard a large shout and a crash that's sounded very close but I shrugged it of thinking it was probably just a stray cat. As the harsh cutting winds began to pick up I wrapped myself more into my old muddy ripped hoodie that I had had since I started the horrific transformation into what I am today.

My parents gave me to the lab.

They hated me.

So they sold me to the lab at the age of ten and then used the money to fly abroad, god only knows where they are now. But quite frankly I couldn't care less. I them spent two years of my life being poked jabbed and prodded. They tampered with my new instincts and filled my up with half tiger DNA and then I started to become part tiger due to the fact the stupid scientist mixed up tiger DNA with cats DNA making me the only tiger hybrid in the whole world but I never shifted. Not ever. No matted what they did they could never crack me. The closest they would get to me shifting was my k-nines would lengthen or my claws. This just caused them to try harder but they wont crack me and they never will due to the fact I ran away.

My bright red fluffy ears flicked to the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer. I started to panic as I realised that the mysteries footsteps came to a stop.

Right in front of me.

My eyes quickly darted up to the tall males face scanning his clothes on the way up. A big pair of hefty steel-toed boots protected his large feet while his long lets were covered in black pants with a belt holding a tazer, gun and a leash.

Do I look like a dog? No. No I don't.

However adding to his intimidating self his well-sculpted face was pulled into a sick smile making it look like his botox had gone wrong.

A spine chilling growl was released from the back of my throat as he hoisted me onto my feet my small 5ft1 height only coming to just below his chest . while he just rolled his eyes at me.

"calm down kitty" the guard teased. That's if you could call him a guard. "you got a name tigger" uh uh. Hell no he is not knowing my name. Maybe if I pretend I'm one of the dumb hybrids he will let me go. I quickly slapped on my best blank look and just stared at his with my large yellow eyes causing him to squirm. However my 'amazing' plan was cut short when I felt a small pinch in my arm. Just as I looked to my right I saw him throw the now empty syringe on the floor. Damn. He drugged me. Just as soon as the thought passed my mind I began to become sleepy. Just as I dropped to the ground I heard his thick British accent fill my ears one last time.

"you will sell for so much" and then I fell into darkness.

Shifted- one direction hybrid adoptionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن