Chapter 11

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Shout out to Chloehumphreys6 for being cool and sharing the same second name as me so go check her out!! Now READ ON!!

Bree's pov

This is not good. I repeat. Not. Good.

In fact this is bad very, very bad.

These are the thoughts that have been invading my and no doubt Niall's thoughts as I am currently in full sprint away from the four un-happy pranked boys as poor Niall is clinging onto my back with all of his strength trying not to be bumped of and left. the four 'angry' boys trying to keep up with me.

Hah. Good one.

In an attempt to throw of the hopeless boys I took a sharp turn around the corner. Sliding as I did so causing Niall to let out a very girly shriek which had a know on affect by making Harry laugh so hard he fell over causing Liam it tumble over as he attempted not to step on the laughing boy.

However not quite throwing off Louis and Zayn I jumped into a bedroom which proved to be Niall's by the large Irish flag that was hung proudly above his bed.

I let out a loud sigh as I shifted back to human form panting lightly. I am so unfit. I let out a groan as I sat up causing Niall to chuckle and quirk a eyebrow.

"aren't tigers supposed to be fit?"

"yes" I groaned "but only if the human form is fit" I explained causing him to let out and odd sound of understanding

"hey Niall" I chirped


"What would you have done" I questioned

"If what"

"Your parents left you to a lab to be changed into a freak" I said my voice becoming high and squeaky making it obvious my eyes were filling with water as my emotions skyrocketed.

" I would have been hurt, felt betrayed and I wouldn't forgive them" he sighed

"How could they" I cried as the tears fell over the front of my eyes and dripped onto Niall's carpet. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around me in a comforting Horan hug. But I didn't help the fact tat years upon years of tears were now leaking down my cheeked. " how could they screw their child over like that and not even feel bad! I don't understand how someone could do that Niall!" I cried as I buried my face in to his shirt in a futile attempt to muffle my sobs.

"I don't know love. But I know that the boys and I will always be there for you " I Niall stated confidently. No lets get you mind of this and watch a movie" that being said I was lifted off the ground and placed on his hip like a baby as I snuggled my head into his neck, my cuddly side coming out.

A few minuets we had settled on Finding Nemo seen as its my favourite film and no one can resist my adorable puppy eyes. Well... Tiger eyes.

No matter what they, my -insert animal here- eyes are adorable. Which is why Niall and I are cuddled up on his bed while Nemo goes and touches the 'butt' an gets captured. Much to Niall's dismay.

A thought popped into my head as Nemo's dad tried to save him. My dad never tied to save me . In fact he was the one to let me go as well as my own mother that is.

A thin layer of tears fogged my vision as I thought of the few nice memories I could remember.


A small giggle left my lips as my young brown haired father thew me above his head and caught me with ease. Every now and again he would pretend to drop me causing me to squeal and my mum to almost have a heart attack and shout at my hysterical father but end up laughing any way.

My dad and I continued to play various games like hide 'n' seek or tag while my mum was setting out the picnic. A small sigh left my lips as mum called us over for lunch.

"Honey, eat whats on your plate first" she giggled as i reached out for another cocktail sausage while i just nodded obediently. We spent the rest laughing and joking as well as playing a few playground games.

Flashback over

A shaky breath left my lips as I wiped the tears a few rebel tears that escaped my eyes.

I refuse to was my tears on them anymore I thought as I continued to watch as dory swam in circles.

Hope you like it I generally enjoyed writing this chapter it was I think its quite cute. Anywhore! Thanks for the votes and the lovely comments can i be cheeky and ask for another 15 votes for a slightly longer update!!

Mwah! Stay beautiful. Especially you!

Shifted- one direction hybrid adoptionWhere stories live. Discover now