Chapter 6

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Shout out to @happydancer865 for the ideas any are welcome comment them or message them to me I don't mind. READ ON!

A few hours later the boys were dotted around on different sofas while I'm sprawled out over Louis Liam and Niall's feet in front of the sofa still in my tiger form not feeling need to change back.

"dinner!" and with that all the boys but Zayn were gone. I hadn't really spoken to zany but he seemed like a nice guy. I was proven right when he patted my head and opened the dooe for me to walk through

"you gotta change Bree" the soft voice of Zayn spoke as we made our way to the kitchen. I nodded my head and sook out my coat and sat down while Zayn wait.

I took a deeep brath and closed my eyes and waited for the tingling sensateion that spreads from my fingers across my body.

But it never came.

I assumed that I had just gooten used to the feeling and I had changed with out my knowing, after peeking open one eye and looking down to see by bright striped fur I looked up to Zayn with a paniced face. Well. As paniced as a tiger can look.

As I looked up to Zayn he looked slightly worried as if he could understand. "try again" he said ahh Zayn ever the optomist..

I took a deep breath and cloed my eyes and waited for the sensation. Again it never came.

Crap! Im stuck! My eyes flew open to face Zayn I let out a small groan like thing and ran into the kitchen with Zayn hot on my tail.

As I reached the laminate flooring of the kitchen I came to a sliding stop and jumped around then I realised no one could hear me or see me. Gosh.

I started jumping like a kangaroo net to the table trying to get some ones attention while Zayn was almost dying of laugher.


I let out a small whine. Like seriously how cant you see some 6 foot tiger jumping around next to your table I turned to Zayn and let a loud groan out causing him to laugh silently. Wow that for the help. Not.

I let out another groan and jumped onto the table making all conversations to come to a halt and look at me with raised eyebrows. I let out a whine and pointed to Zayn with my paw making the boys aww and me growl and attempt top face palm making the boys laugh.

I jumped off the floor and ran over to the Zayn and jumped up and put my hands on his shoulder. Its funny how when I'm human I'm only to jut he chest but as a tiger I tower over him and the boys.

I jumped up and let out gran hoping to get him to explain, luckily he got it and explained to the boys.

"try one more time" Liam calmly spoke and with a that all eyes were on me. I nodded and repeated the process and waited for the weird tickle but all I got was pain.

a lot of pain.

I let out a yelp as the pain worsened my eyes flew open to se Harry run over to me as I began to pant I heard his speak but I couldn't distinguish the words. But I realised he needed help when I felt five pairs of had lift me up. I let out a loud groan of pain in my back then it went black...

Shifted- one direction hybrid adoptionWhere stories live. Discover now