Chapter 21

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So basicly i havent got  a good excuse for not up dating except the fact I couldnt be bothered and the story seems to be moving awfully slowly. But when I read throught the previous chapters comments I decided to get my arse in gear and update. so here it is, hope you like it. READ ON!!!

Bree's pov

Who are these boys and why are they acting like they know me so well? I've never met them in my entire life, I mean where would i have known them from they look at least 20 so where would i even know them from. I'm 11 for god sakes.

"y-you don't remember us" the blonde boy stuttered as my face scrunched up in confusion.

"no, should I?" i questions causing a gasp to come from the group or bo- er men, I think.

"yes!" cried the blonde " we adopted you months ago, we love you love us!" his voice shook as he tried to get me to understand.

"no... I'm not up for adoption, my parents wouldn't do that!"  stuttered though I wouldn't put it past them.

"right, this isn't getting us anywhere, Bree, come with us and we'll explain what we know" the brown eyed boy offered with a genuine smile. i didn't say anything just gave a small nod of conformation, i know what you're thinking. 'You don't even know these boys so why would you agree to go with them' and to be brutally honest i don't know all i know is that i feel like i can trust these boys and I don't doubt it for a second.

As we clambered into the very expensive looking car i got a chance to properly look at the boys. and now i think about it they do look familiar but I cant think where I've seen them before, maybe they are actually being serious about this whole thing. As I looked at the blond boy who have very obvious tear stains on his cheeks now that I think about it he seems to be the most affected by this whole thing. What is this 'whole thing' I don't know but I intend to find out.

"Ahem" The curly haired boy cleared his throat and looked at me "so Bree, how old are you?" He questioned 

"Eleven" I replied confidently but only when I saw the worried glanced of the boys did I start to doubt my self "I am eleven.. Right?"

"No, Bree your sixteen, your parents,uhm left you when you were seven" The curly haired boy stated with a pitiful smile.

"N-no! they wouldn't do that, they love me even if they act like they don't!" I stuttered as I began to think about my parents.


"BREEANA! get down here RIGHT now!" my mother screamed as she walked, well stumbled thought the door quite obviously not in the right state of  mind from all the alcohol she has undoubtedly consumed.

"yes mummy" the three year old me stated as I jumped down the stairs ready to greet my mother like i had done every day since i could walk.

"ahh there you are you good for nothing piece of crap" she slurred as  a evil smile twisted over her face "come to mummy" she mockingly cooed as I foolishly made my way over completely oblivious to what was about to come.

As I reached her I was about to envelope her leg in a hug when a sharp stinging pain tingled across my left cheek causing me to let out an involuntary cry of pain.

"you disgust me and your father, don't touch me" she spat as I cowered away in fear and confusion

*end of flashback*

That was the first abusive act of many and I remember the next day I went to greet her only to be delivered a not so loving kick to my stomach knocking all the wind out of my three year old body.

Suddenly a new memory flashed before my eyes.


"where are we going?" I questioned as mum stuffed me in the car and hopped into the passenger seat next to dad. 

"Nowhere now shut up" my dad snapped as he started up the engine and started speeding down the road leaving me to watch the scenery fly by. 

Around half and hour we pulled up outside a large worn down warehouse but before I got time to question it I was pushed out of the car onto the gravel to watch as my parents drove of leaving only the slight sound of their bubbling laughs blowing in the wind.

"oh dear child! Lets get you inside and get you warm" a small plump man walked up to me and draped a fluffy blanket over my shoulders and led me into the large building.

*end of flashback*

what was that about...

Shifted- one direction hybrid adoptionWhere stories live. Discover now