Chapter 7

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Shout out to happydancer865 for another amazing idea! READ ON!

Zayn's pov

By the time we had gotten the hybrid vet the Bree was in human form but was subconsciously groaning I pain in her unconscious state. After we had gotten to see the doctor/vet he said its common newly shifted but because Bree is one of a kind and has never been seen before they have no treatment leaving no choice but to let her sort herself out. However it didn't go into plan around fifteen minuets after we got her onto the bed she just stopped moving her ears stopped twitching as did her tail but luckily her heart didn't.

Once the doctor had run various tests he came to the conclusion that she had fallen into a self healing coma.

"Her body needs to fix all the damage that changing into such a large animal has caused unfortunately we wont be able to tell if she will be able to shift again until she wakes up" was his explanation if the situation

So here we are Bree has been out for a week now but her movements are becoming or frequent her tail would twitch or her ears would flic to the direction or any sounds. We are all taking this pretty hard but we are hoping she will still be the same when she wakes up.

A quite groan echoed around cross the room causing all of our eyes to flick towards the adorably confused hybrid in the bed. Suddenly she growled then changed and jumped off the bed and stealthily jogged through the hall of the ward growling at any dogs barking causing them to shut up straight away the boys and I all chuckled as she sniffed around the ward her ears spinning around like crazy suddenly she let out a loud raw and shifted with her face away from us.

Thank god she can shift.

Suddenly she sprinted over to me and attacked me in a hug her petite figure only coming up to the bottom of my chest. Suddenly she started to shake and sob causing the boys and I all to bombard the poor girl with questions. Suddenly she looked up her yellow eyes glowing with tears as she spoke "he's here"

As soon as those words were spoken the door flew open showing an old white haired plump man with a creepy smile looked at Bree like a piece of meat.

Suddenly the scared girl that was clung to me changed and flew round to face the man with a fierce look. I remember the adoption man saying she would have a temper and trouble containing her shift once she was angry luckily she's not angry. But I have a feeling that's going to change very soon.

I looked to the boys to see them taking a step back obviously remembering the same thing. Somehow everyone in the ward had bee ushered out by nurses and doctors just leaving this man, Bree and us boys. The mystery guy captured our attention as he spoke.

"Oh Bree look you've been adopted, like a little pet" he said in a teasing tone causing Bree to let out a loud roar. I'm not sure if I was seeing thing but fear flashed through the mans eyes not that I can blame him she half tiger for God sake " I'm surprised they wanted you. I mean even your own parents didn't want you" the man spat

"Shut up Phil, no one wanted you so you made other peoples lives hell" Bree spat back no fear ion her voice at all causing me and the boys to shoot each other surprised glances.

"That as may be my drear but you and I know that these boy will drop you like a hot potato as soon as they get bored of you, your pathetic" Phil spat causing Louis to step forwards like he was going to say some thing was cut of by Bree shifting into her beautiful tiger form. Making the man shrink back in surprise. Right, he didn't know she could shift. "look your even worthless in you other form" Phil spat causing Bree to peel her lips back into a large snarl exposing her large white two inch teeth.

As she slowly paced towards the plump old man he shoulder blades poking out in sync as she lowered to the floor. Suddenly she lurched forwards exposing her long razor like claws. The man jumped back letting out a loud shriek his eyes darting around for a quick escape that happened to be across the ward. He quickly broke out into a run that was quite fast for the shape and age of the man.

Fortunately Bree was not chasing him to her full potential just every now and again swiping his and ankle and mockingly snapping her teeth at him after a couple of seconds she chased him out the door and et him leave but not before she jumped up on her hind legs at let out a spine chilling growl causing thee Phil to let out a girly scream as he ran down the hall.

I quickly looked over at the other boys to see them laughing and cheering much like me as my eyes went back to the adorable girl to see she had turned back to human and was laughing so hard she had tears running down her cheeks "that was fun" she choked out as we mad our way down the hall letting loose another howl of laughter

So what did you think was it good I'm not sure whether I should have used the idea given or this but let me know! Remember to go check out @happydancer865

Shifted- one direction hybrid adoptionWhere stories live. Discover now