Chapter 9

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Im really sorry but I wont be updating as much as I did because im back at school and I have to juggle that with my horse but I don't have to do him on a Tuesday so I will try to update very Tuesday. READ ON!

Bree's point of view

A large shatter caused me to jump out of bed and land not so gracefully on my face.

So much for cats always land on their feet...

After I scraped myself off the floor I trudged down the stairs to see what the loud crash was. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs I turned the corner towards the kitchen dragging my feet along the crème carpet with my tail subconsciously twitching and flicking as I walked.

I stifled a laugh when I saw a guilty looking Niall looking longingly at a now smashed bowl of ... is that spaghetti?!

My eyes quickly turned to the clock mounted above the doorway reading the time. Who has spaghetti at half past six in the morning!

"Damn" an Irish voice mutter causing me to cast my attention back to the Irish pop-star who was currently picking up the shattered glass every now and again looking longingly at the spaghetti.

After a while of my thoughts drifting around to various subjects I decided it was time to help poor Niall. I turned on my heel and walked the broom and dustpan and brush. I quickly picked up the broom and began to sweep up all the small pieces of sharp glass causing him to shriek... right he hadn't seem me yet. Oops.

I let out a small laugh and continued to sweep while I passed Niall the dustpan and brush, which he took with a thank you.

After a few minuets of sweeping we had finished and all the glass was in the bin. Seconds later I stood in front of Niall with my hand asking for a hand shake which to took looking at me curiously.

"Hi" I chirped with a small wave causing him to laugh and wave back "my names Bree Tomlinson and I think we should prank the boys" I said with an innocent smile

"Hey love. I' Niall Horan and I think that's a great idea what were you thinking" he said back

"well..." I said as I explained my thoughts as he nodded and laughed along and soon enough we were off on our ticks.

We decided that I should take the two lighter people since I'm 'part cat and silent as a mouse' his words not mine. So I have Louis and Liam while Niall has the other two. After we planned our pranks we mad our way to our assigned people my tail flicking quickly in excitement.

Once I entered Louis room I wasn't surprised with the fact that his room was and absolute pig's sty the further I got into the room the more wrappers and articles of clothing were strewn across the floor.

Resisting the urge to clean up the mess I continued my way to Louis bed where he was laying peacefully facing the ceiling with his arms behind his head.


I started off with his beautiful make up as I gently smudged a very dark foundation over his face that I got as a joke present from my friend when I was well normal, meaning this is probably off by now but hey-ho. Next I moved onto his blusher as I picked out the bright pink one and gave him a large unblended line of fuchsia pink. Beautiful. Then on his cheek, I added on a large smiley face made out of waterproof eyeliner and drew a pair of glasses around his eyes. I then decided that he needed more eyebrows and decided to go over them and join them in a monobrow.

Just as I thought I was done I spotted a pot of hair gel and grabbed it while I silently removed the lid. Once the lid was removed I dipped my fingers in to get a huge blob of it on my hands and began to flatten his hair backwards with the exception of two devil horns making him look irresistible.

After re-screwing the cap I decided to make my way over to Liam's room. Once I slowly opened the door I was pleasantly surprised with the sight of a clean room. Thank God. As I slowly made my way to his room with vintage rollers I quickly applied them to the half of his hair that was available. O began to add bright purple eye shadow to his relaxed eyelids after that I got my liquid eyeliner and carelessly added it all round his eyelids careful not to wake him.

Suddenly his eyelids fluttered but remained closed as he mindlessly grabbed me to his chest, going against every feline rule to cuddle I gently released myself from his grip and added a random pair of fake lashes to his upper lash making him look like he had a moustache.

Silently I slipped out of his room and down the stairs to complete phase two of the plan

Shifted- one direction hybrid adoptionWhere stories live. Discover now