Chapter 10

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Woooo! I am so happy I was just like oh yeah I better see how shifted ig going and I open the info to see 1.2K reads I am so so so so happy right now thank you so much:D now READ ON!

Bree's pov.

A small sigh of relief left my lips as I successfully made it to the bottom of the stars with out making a sound.


I silently make my way to the main room to wait for Niall only to find him already waiting patiently on the sofa scrolling through his phone. Probably on Twitter. Slowly I walked up to Niall and sat next to him making him snap his head up so fast I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash.

"How did it go?" I quietly questioned receiving a large toothy smile and a nod in reply." How are we going to wake them up" I said quietly. Suddenly a mischievous smile spread across his face as he quietly muttered his ideas.

This is going to be good.

Just minuets later we had spread a thin layer of oil onto the hardwood flooring around the entrance to the main room we are currently hidden behind the sofa waiting for the best time...

This is it. Just as the thought crossed my mind I let out a blood-curdling scream while Niall pressed the 'record' button on his sleek Iphone.

Just as hoped there were various shouts and crashes as the four boys bolted down the stairs. First was Liam with half a head of roller that I had carelessly strewn about one half of his hair and his black and purple eye make up causing Niall to choke back a laugh next came Harry and Zayn completely in sync as they rushed down the stairs.

As Harry bolted down the stairs his now straightened hair was slightly covering his eyebrows. Well. Eyebrow due the fact they were coloured in dark black and joined at the middle. Harry was also sporting a rather thick, curly moustache made out of eyeliner.

However Zayn was worse. His hair was parted down the middle and practical stuck to his head with all the gel that was in his hair. That's going to be awful to get out. As he slightly tuned his head I got a good view of his face I quickly slapped a hand over my face to prevent the loud bust of laughter from escaping my lips.

A rather larch dick was drawn on Zayn's forehead going all around his eyes and every thing causing me to hold my breath as I desperately attempted to conceal my silent laughter.

Next came Louis in all his glory wiping his face causing him to unintentionally smudge his make-up across his face.

Suddenly a loud crash and a groan came from Liam as he slipped and fell on the oil all the boys quickly following suit. Very quickly tears streamed down Niall's cheeks and of course mine as we tried to contain out laughter. However out attempts were cut short well Louis let out a loud girls shriek and he slipped and fell.


That was all it took for our laughs to become loud causing the boys to stop squealing and slipping as their heads spun sound to face us causing us to just laugh harder.

"hey!" we heard a cry of protest as Harry clocked on to what we had done " oh my God! Guys you face" He exclaimed as laughter began to bubble out of their lips as the looked at each other.

Well they are taking this well. Or so I thought...

Just as I let myself calm down I heard a loud... war cry? Causing me to look to the left just in time to see them all charging towards us. In a split second decision grabbed Niall in a piggy back and shifted to my tiger form and ran.

Maybe they didn't take it too well...

vwala! Here it is I know its not great I'm building up to something thing so please don't give up on me. I'm going To be cheeky and ask for 15 votes but don't worry I know you can do it you've already got 15 on the last chapter so do what you did last time as reap the reward of bucket loads of cuteness and drama coming up soon so vote PLEASSSEEEEEE??!!!!

Shifted- one direction hybrid adoptionWhere stories live. Discover now