Chapter 4

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Look at me updating again! Shout out to @forever_kitty go check her out!! Anyway im still felling nice seen as my horse was a good boy today so first comment gets a shout out and a vote on any stories so comment away!! READ ON!!

A small groan left my lips as I clutched my throbbing head, why the hell does my head hu- I cut off my thought when I realised creepy cage guy drugged me.



A short bump caused me to abruptly sit up. What the hell is this... I was currently out of the cage that was sat opposite me. Odd I thought as I realized that the cage was quite small and narrow making me wonder about how on earth I fit in that thing.

My curiosity got the best of my as I began to nose around the odd moving room flicking slightly as it bounced. This is not natural, this cant be safe.

I shrugged of my unwelcome thoughts and continued on my pointless prowl around the odd room. Just as I came to an unusual door like think with many switches and handles. And due to my high curiosity levels I had to of course investigate the odd switches so as I was unable to chose which one first I just closed my eyes and swung my hand at the door causing an odd sliding sound and the wind to fly into my face.

A loud strangled cry fell from my lips as I jumped away from the weird door and onto a vibrating seat. Wait this isn't a seat ... I looked up to come face to face with a olive skinned male who was currently laughing so hard tears were coming out of his hazel brown eyes.

Humans stage creatures. And yes I know what your thinking 'you were a human to' but alas I cant remember being a human all that well seen as the didn't know it was tiger DNA they didn't know the effects of it. Luckily the effects were 'minor' as they put it but it wasn't minor. Oh no, the new DNA caused me to lose all memories of the lat six or seven years of my life making me only remember till I was about three then the rest is just blank. And if you haven' worked it out already I' 13 and fourteen in a week.

The Earth was graced with my presence on November the 12th 1999. You welcome.

Anyway back to my current situation. By now the raven haired by had stopped laughing and was sat there staring at me so me being the jacquard person I am just did a little wave making him wave back with a small smile.

"hey love" woah he has a nice voice

"hi" yep. I'm awkward and shy but whatever.

"do you know our names?" raven guy questioned to which I shook my head causing him to smile "im Zayn that's Harry but you already know him that ones Niall he's Irish" Zayn pointed to the blonde boy sat opposite Zayn who's lap I was still sat on "that's Louis and that's Liam" he continued pointing at the brunette with a crazy hairstyle that was driving he then pointing to another brunette with a small quiff and a batman shirt who was sat next to Niall.

"I'm Bree" I said in a small voice slightly intimidated by all of the eyes on me. All of the boys ogling was cut short by Louis calling out that we are 'home'

Harry's pov (tell me if you like this and I should do it every now and again)

After the scientist had harshly drugged shoved our new hybrid into a cage he casually let us down a long hallway purposely hitting the cage on the wall on the way. Suddenly we were led into a small lab room that smelled strongly of chemicals but I guess that's what all labs smell of...

My thoughts were cut of buy the old scientist talking.

" as you know this is a shifting hybrid and those alone are slightly more feral than the non- shifters but to add onto that this is a one of a kind tiger hybrid making her even more untameable the only way you will be able to control her is if she likes you or by me injecting her with this serum" he said lifting up a light blue gloopy substance in a test tube. "this serum with deny her the ability to shift when she pleases or if she feels to much of the human emotion anger. The only way she will be able to shift is if the say the word 'change' on its own, out of a sentence. The choice is yours but I want you to remember she is part tiger and once she gets used to you she will have a temper and she will be hard to intimidate" and with that he walked out to allow us to discuss the situation.

As soon as the door closed Liam spoke up " I refuse to drug her up anymore we are all going to be nice to us and shes already taken a liking to Harry so like he said if she likes us we should be able to control her." good point my man. Good point...

The next to speak up was Zayn who yet again had a good point " yeah, and she doesn't seem like a malicious person so that must count for something when she's in her form. And what the point giving her the serum if as soon as we tell her to change she will just go after us when she realizes that we gave her the serum."

And so moment later we all agreed that we wouldn't give her the serum much to the scientists dismay.

After we then talked him out of hooking her up to a tracking collar we left with our new tiger hybrid. As soon as we were in the car I remover her from the cage and placed her on the empty seat between Zayn and I.

About five minuets into the short journey I heard a groan from be side me causing me to look at the hybrid that was currently clutching her head. Just as I was bout to ask her what as wrong the car went over a bump causing her sit up and look around when she saw the door and swiped the switch fir the window she jumped and landed straight on Zayn causing us all to laugh.

Soon Zayn was introducing us trying to keep he mind away from all of the bouncing we were doing s we were entering our estate that happened to be full of speed bumps. Joy. Just as we pulled up I heard a small American voice mumble

"I'm Bree" I couldn't help but aww I m head at how cute she sounded my thoughts were cut short by the boys clambering out of the car excited to show Bree her new home.


Jeeze this was long and I wrote in in less than an hour so im pretty proud! don't forget to comment !!!!

Shifted- one direction hybrid adoptionWhere stories live. Discover now