chapter 20

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Right so i have nothing to say but i hope you like this chapter. READ ON.

Bree's POV

A small groan left my lips as the bright sunlight dug through my eyelids, I don't remember going to bed yeste-.

My eyes snapped open to find a small white room with a bright light just above my head. Just as I went to wipe my eyes I realized that my hands were bound tightly to the steel bench that I am currently laying on.

Why! Why can he just give up already, I thought that I'd finally got rid of him but clearly not. As soon as the thought entered my mind the large door crashed open denting the wall slightly in the process.

The sound of shoes clicking against the hard flooring echoed around the small room when they came to a stop just next to me. Just as I suspected Phil's head popped into my vision with a overly fake smile caked over his face. "Well hello Bree! Fancy seeing you here ayee" he cheered in fake enthusiasm. So I did what anyone in my position would do, I spat straight in his face then shot him an overly fake smile while I'm pretty sure if he didnt need me or if i wanst his 'pride and joy' then I would be dead now. "listen here you little brat I don't need your stunts while I take tests on you or things could get messy ok?" he gritted while the only word I heard was tests.

"Tests?" I squeaked 

"Yes you idiot, I'm going to run some test and lets hope when I'm done with you those boys find you before the adoption agency or you'll never see them again anyway through this your going to cooperate like a good tiger, capeish?

"No and do you know why, because I'm not going to be your little lab rat anymore. I'm done now let me go." I growl as I yank on the ropes around my wrists hardly even loosening them. 

Maybe if I keep tugging at them I can break free but that doesn't matter if I have no idea where the heck I am. My plan of escape was interrupted when I felt a pinch in the left side of my neck, a pinch I know only too well. He just injected something into me. Again.

"I told you thinking too much can lead to damage" Phil spat as he threw the empty syringe in the bin

"What was that" I cry as I feel the cool liquid course through my body.

"Just a little something that will make you remember and forget" He grins at his evil plan. Suddenly my head started to spin "It's working, night love" Then it went black

____________________several hours later_____________________

I felt different , what did mum and dad do now, Maybe they hit me harder this time... But that doesn't explain why I feel like everything is louder.

As soon as I fluttered open my eyes I knew something was off I could see perfectly, hear perfectly for example someones stressed cries for someone who was lost. But I have no time to worry about them because right now I have to worry about when the hell I am any why I feel so different. A groan left my dry lips as all my bones and muscles popped and cracked. 

As I hosted myself of the ground I felt short, like a foot shorter than I was before. What is going on here.

I cant have shrunk that's impossible maybe I hit me head or something. 

"Lads look there she is!" I heard some one shout in utter relief. Atleast someone found what they were looking for I though bitterly just as I was tackled in large group hug causing me to let out a loud scream and jump away too find five boys that looked completly mortified as they stared at me. One boy had blond messy hair that looked as if he had raked his hand through it many times, next to him was a tanned male with a perfect jawline that clutched onto a tall boy with curly hair that was tied back in a bandanna. To the right of his were two more boys both with brown messy hair but one had light blue eyand and the other had large brown ones and all of them looked completly relived to be in my presence but one thing.

"who are you?"

snsdfkdflnjjbnk what the hell did i just write...

Shifted- one direction hybrid adoptionWhere stories live. Discover now