Chapter 16

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I'm sorry that it's a day late its just that I deleted the draft by accident and well I had to write it again... but I hope you like it so READ ON

Bree's pov

I watched my feet as I mad my way to the living room that was currently amusing the bys with a game of fifa. A loud shout bounced around the halls as I neared the door causing me to let out a small laugh. As I rounded the corner and walked through the door they had just finished the match while Louis was cheering while harry was sulking which properly meant he lost. Again.

"No fair you cheated" harry cried while Louis just through his head back in laughter until he caught sight of me in the doorway sporting a dorky grin as I watched their banter.

"You ok love, where Austin?" he questioned as I grabbed my tail and began to play with it gently

"oh not he left a bit ago" I said looking down at my tail

"oh did he you should have said it would have been nice to say good by to my future son-in-law" harry teased making me blush bright red and of couse the all noticed"

"Ohh look she blushing"


"Hey love you sure you aren't a tomato hybrid" Harry teased causing me to groan and cover my face and wrap my tail around my leg.

"Hey leave beeboo yeah" leppy teased the boys when I suddenly felt his arms wrap around my in a warm hug. A small squeal left my lips as he scooped me of the floor and perched me on his hip like a baby almost as if he was taunting the face I was so small. As sudden as it started I was placed back down on the sofa next to Zayn while leppy walked into the kitchen mumbling something about leftover pizza. Typical.

A groan left Zayn's lips as I got up and plonked down on his lap my tail wrapping around his wrist causing him to grin as my while I laid my head on his hard chest. Suddenly out of nowhere a large yawn left my lips causing Zayn to laugh along with the rest of the boys who were now playing fifa. Well except harry who was currently sulking as he gently unwrapped my tail from Zayn's warm wrist casing me to playfully flick him in the face with my stripy tail causing him to sneeze and chuckle along with Zayn was now scratching behind my hears gently causing me to lean my head into his hand and swish my tail earning a groan of annoyance from Harry.

This continued for a few minuets till I suddenly let a really loud purr causing all the boys heads to snap in my direction.

Way to go idiot way to make yourself look like fric fraking house cat.

I thought sarcastically as I buried my head back into Zayn chest while all the boy coo'ed over how cute that was and how they never know that a tiger even made that sound.

I lifted my arms up to leppy as a yawn left my lips for the fifth time in around a minuet. What can I say; tigers sleep a lot. A content sigh left y lips as I felt my self being lifted up the stairs and towards my room.

My eyes fluttered shut as I felt my self being placed on my soft memory foam bed.

"I love you beeboo"

"I love you too leppy" I said as I heard my phone go off from across the room causing me to dash over to the chest of draws that sat in the corner of my room as I looked to see who my first message was from and lets say I was not disappointed.

We should do that again, I love being with you. I had a great time.-Austin

Awwh I know you haven't really seen much of Austin but what do you think of his so far and any ship names for them? I think they are so cute! Stay beautiful <3

Shifted- one direction hybrid adoptionWhere stories live. Discover now