Chapter 22

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hey guys i would like to apologize about my lack of updates due to my laziness but apart from that i don't really have anything to say so yaa READ ON!

Bree's POV

its been a few months since the boys found me and I cant lie and say its been easy, because it hasn't. my moods are every where like a pregnant woman that has the ability to shift into a tiger and maul you to death which I think the boys realized because at first they would act like they were walking on egg shells while they were around me which highlighted the fact that i wasn't my normal self. or what they say was my normal self. But over the past months the boys have helped me remember most the lost memories not all of which were good but that's ok i never expected them to be.

any way its been a few months and now I feel normal again, Well as normal as a tiger hybrid thats been adopted by the worlds most famous boy band can be but that's not the point through out the past months my bond with the boys has been strengthened especially Niall or leppy as i sometimes call him. When ever there's a free moment I'm with Niall or Niall's with me or the whole family is together but nine times out of ten  while we're in a group I'm with Niall.

although recently Niall has been slightly distant, not just from me but the boys too and its not just me that's noticed Harry has too while the other boys are still blissfully unaware. while Nialls away or in an antisocial mood -which is becoming more and more often- Harry takes me under his wing and we are often pranking the boys much to their displeasure, although love being with Harry i cant help but think that I must have done something or there must be something causing Niall to act the way he is between him and the rest of us.

ive just got to find out wh-

"bree! come down here there's someone i want you to meet and I think you'll like her" Nialls unmistakable voice bounced around the walls of my perfectly furnished room. in an attempt to quickly hurry down the stairs i had forgotten that i actually had to uncross my legs from their crossed position to actually walk causing me to just bounce of the side of the bed and onto my face.


"BREE" Niall called again to which i replied with a muffled 'coming' as i scraped my face of the plush carpet ready to catch any blood that was possible pouring from my throbbing nose.

finally i reached down the stairs only to stop half way as my sensitive nose pinched up an odd smell of rabbit confusing me greatly as I slowly peered round the corner of the wall to see a petite dark haired girl clung to Nialls arm like her life depended on it, but that was not what my attention was focused on was the fact that she had two large rabbit ears perched on top of her head and not only that there was also and small fluffy tail poking out from her tight jeans.

perhaps yo didn't hear me. this girl that clung to Niall had rabbit ears and a tail. are. you. serious.

i decided to ignore the fact for a while and  walk into the room sending confused looks to the boys who looked like the couldn't wait for this girl to leave. 

"hi there you must be bree! i've heard so much about you I'm sally" the girl squealed sending me an obviously fake smile while here eyes skimmed me up and down with a disgusted look.

uhm is this bitch for real? 

"hi sally, it great to meet you" i said back with just as much of a fake smile causing her to roll her eyes while Niall was stood to the side with a wide grin obviously thinking we were being genuine .

"oh honey the pleasures all mine" she squealed as she reached across and pinched my cheek much like grand parents do at those awkward family reunions. 

"that's for sure" i muttered causing the all the boys except Niall to hold back laughs, while sally looked like she wanted to stab me in the face. truthfully id like to see her try.

"well it looks like you to are going to be the best of friends, right boys" Niall grinned as he turned to face the kitchen

"of course we are baby! now you an the boys go into he kitchen and me and Bree here will have a nice chat!" sally cheered in a over enthusiastic voice while the boys shot each other worried looks as i clenched my fists and my tail began to flick like it does when I'm mad, and yes if you were wondering, I'm mad. 

just as i was sure Niall was going to reject the offer he nodded and directed the boys into the kitchen and away form me and sally. 

For some reason i feel like this may not be 'a nice chat'

"now listen here you little brat."

awh snap shite is about to go down! thirty votes for the next chapter guys i know you can do it. press that vote button ad find out what the lovely Sally has to say!

Shifted- one direction hybrid adoptionWhere stories live. Discover now